Sunday Funday

After this morning’s race, I went over to Ashley’s for a blogger brunch. I ate a bagel before heading over because I was starving and didn’t want to eat everything in sight at the brunch. (Also, will run for bagels.)

Read about the brunch on her blog, because I showed up late and wasn’t feeling taking pictures. (I had a piece of quiche and some pumpkin bread.)

Afterwards, I wandered around Union Square for a bit.

And then Emily came over for dinner! I don’t usually have friends over for dinner because…

  • I’m too busy
  • I’m too lazy
  • I’m afraid of messing up (I mess up often in the kitchen)
  • I’m afraid that what I cook will be *too* healthy, and thus, boring to my guests.

But after a lovely brunch at Ashley’s this morning, I decided to do a little cooking. (A visit to Trader Joe’s [the FAB newish one in Chelsea!] didn’t hurt.) I based my dinner off of this recipe from Anne P.

I also browned some ground turkey, but I put some garlic in and some Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning. I sauteed some bell peppers, grape tomatoes and mushrooms in some garlic and extra virgin olive oil and topped it all with some of TJ’s roasted garlic marinara sauce. (Yes, I like garlic.) Emily went back for seconds, so I guess I didn’t do too bad a job—or we’d just had enough wine…

The finished product:

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