A Cold, Cold Day

After grocery shopping yesterday, I had no choice but to make dinner, right? I no longer had an excuse.

So I sauteed some broccoli, mushrooms and chicken sausage with a little garlic and olive oil and served them (to myself) over whole wheat spaghetti before heading to Liz’s birthday. The bar was PACKED, but the company was amazing—especially meeting a certain fabulous pregnant lady who rallied at the bar.

After four fabulous beers last night (and a slice of dollar pizza on my way home…oops?), I chugged some water when I got home. This morning’s pre-run breakfast was a banana and sunflower seed butter sandwich on a whole-wheat English muffin.

I had 8 miles on my schedule today, but my legs were KILLING me from yesterday and Monday’s boot camps, and it was freezing, so I skipped the three miles I was supposed to do before I met up with my running accomplice. It was cold and windy and the heavy, damp air made each breath a little more difficult. The conversation was great, but the actual run? Meh, not so much. I may do the extra three tomorrow—I’m not sure yet.


We went for a post-run beer (or two), and split this order of sliders. I had three (with much of the bun removed) and a few of the fries. “Are you going to put this on your healthy blog?” he asked.


Around 5pm, I had some of the leftovers from last night—there wasn’t that much left and I’m still feeling a bit hungry, so I may eat again…

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