Operation Shed Spare Tire

This morning, I went to Jess from Fit Chick in the City’s boot camp class. As we did lunges (approximately one million of them), I looked at myself in the mirror and did not like what I saw.

My abs, which were so toned in the fall, were covered by a huge spare tire. Maybe it’s the extra alcohol I’ve had this week and the extra treats I had over the holidays, maybe it’s bloating from PMSing and an upset stomach yesterday, or maybe it was just the pleat of the pants. Either way, I spent a lot of the class strategically adjusting my pants and my shirt so that my belly wasn’t flopping around.

I don’t want to make any big changes, because I know when I’m too strict with myself, the pendulum always swings back the other way, to not being strict with myself at all (like lately), so I’m just going to try to be mindful of keeping my healthy balance. 

I’m going to:

  • watch my alcohol intake. (Dear friends: this does not mean no more happy hours, don’t worry. It just means I’ll drink a little less.)
  • watch my takeout intake. (Dear wallet: you’re welcome, too)
  • up my fruit/veggie intake
  • drink more water
  • get back to blogging all my meals. Seriously. I’ve been back and forth on this for a while, because I was getting bored with it, but I just want to be able to keep watching what I’m eating and, for me, that helps.
  • follow my workout schedule more closely
  • add morning exercises (either some of these, or some that Joel gave me when I was doing Theodora 2.5. I never posted the results of that because my schedule got too busy and Joel and I have two more sessions to go, but it definitely worked…until the holidays got in my way.)

I’m not going to take measurements, but I’m just going to go by look and feel of my abs in my clothes.

Breakfast after the boot camp was:

  • 3/4 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 large spoonful of sunflower butter
  • 1 banana 

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