Pre-Race Jitters

I still don’t know why I’m so nervous for this race. I’d like to hit my goal of 2:00, but if I don’t, that will honestly be fine, too, as long as I still PR. 😉

I woke up and went for an easy two-mile shaking-out-the-legs run and then took this little furball for a bath. My lungs felt pretty tight–I’m hoping that’s just because I’m nervous. (I ate a banana sandwich for breakfast, but I’m as sick of photographing them as you are seeing them.)

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I stopped at Brown Cup on my way back and got a nice, carb-y sandwich and some sweet potato chips for extra carbs and salt.


Avocado, tomato , chicken and mozzarella panini. My mom is here, and we’re going to get some pasta and go to sleep early. Good luck to Tina, Ben, Caitlin, Sarah, Melissa, Michele and everyone else racing tomorrow! And I’m excited to see 94monkeys, Erica, Jess and everyone else cheering!

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