The Crash After the Storm

Dude, I am TIRED.

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Considering I’ve run close to 60 miles in the past month (with 39.3 of those miles being in half-marathons), it’s understandable.


This morning, I went back to sunflower butter and a banana sandwich for breakfast with the rest of yesterday’s almond milk latte, which I was too tired to drink. My stomach is a little off, and I felt a little nauseous after I ate this. I took some naproxen last night because it reduces inflammation. I’m not sure if it’s that or I’m a little dehydrated, but I’m drinking water like it’s my job today.

On a positive note, the naproxen definitely helped my muscles. Yesterday, my calves were so sore I couldn’t even stand on my tippy-toes to get a wine glass off of a high shelf, and today I was able to walk to work without a problem.


Today’s lunch was leftovers from last night’s dinner. I forgot to put cheese on it, and so last night’s was way better.

I am so looking forward to my bed tonight.

8 comments on “The Crash After the Storm

  1. Katy

    Your recent schedule has made ME tired, so it’s no wonder you’re feeling it! Although I can’t ever remember being too tired to drink a latte. 🙂

  2. Hilary @ The Big Weight

    I can just imagine how tired you are, but I have to say Theodora, since I’ve been reading your blog you’ve been a huge inspiration to me! So much so that I finally reinvigorated my love for 5K’s and signed up for several of them over the next several weeks. I look forward to reading your posts everyday – keep up the great work!


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