Do Good Today

I’m not the first, nor will I be the last, to say this–one of the best things about health blogging is the community.

Susan, who blogs over at The Great Balancing Act, was recently diagnosed with cancer, a sad reminder that cancer doesn’t care how young or healthy you are. The lovely Janetha put together The Great Fundraising Act to raise some money to help out Susan. Because she lives in Canada, her healthcare is covered, but not her medicines, which cost several thousand dollars a month.


And it’s now live! Go bid on lots of awesome stuff to help Susan out! There’s everything from blogger-baked goodies to stuff donated by companies like Physique 57, Chobani and Attune Foods.

If you can’t find something in there you want to bid on, then you’re either picky or crazy. But you can also donate directly through PayPal

Also, two of my mom’s friends, Bev and Janet, are incredibly loyal readers of this blog, and their 95-year-old mother, Fanny is currently in the hospital really sick with bronchitis, so please send some good wishes their way!

And, selfishly, maybe send some good wishes my way? I’m waiting to hear back on an interview and I have two more this week. Also, maybe check out my triathlon recap? It was pretty awesome, aside from a little bike bad luck.

2 comments on “Do Good Today

  1. janet scudieri

    Theodora, thanks so much for thinking about my Mom.
    I will also say a prayer for you, that your interview went
    well. I know something good will happen soon Hang in, we
    are all thinking about you every day.

    Janet Scudieri


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