Summer Weekends

Summer weekends are for:


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  • an 11-mile bike ride
  • a trip to the dog run
  • Pinkberry!


For a weekend that started out with no plans, this one turned out pretty damn well–even though there were a few hours yesterday I was dying of boredom. The grass is always greener. When I’m booked solid, I’m dying for free time. When I have free time, I wish I had plans.

Which do you prefer, making lots of plans or seeing where the weekend takes you? Did you do anything fun this weekend?


3 comments on “Summer Weekends

  1. Cait @ Beyond Bananas

    I like to make plans. If I don’t have plans I find I often get pretty lazy and then my weekend leads me only from my couch.. to a run.. to the pool. and back. Making plans makes me be more social. haha


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