A No Good, Very Bad Run

This afternoon, I had 6 miles on my training plan. Even though I told my coach that I thought 6 was a particularly soul-crushing distance, I can’t always get out of them. Fine.

I had an interview this morning and didn’t feel like rushing to get the run in before the interview, so when Rebecca asked last night if I wanted to run 6, I was more than happy to hold off until this afternoon.


By the time I got out of my interview, I was famished, and I stopped at City Chow to pick up lunch. (This is actually a recycled picture; picture broccoli where the Brussels sprouts were.) It was around 1:30 by the time I sat down to eat, and I was meeting Rebecca at 4:45. I had a hunch this might not end well, but hoped for the best.

I ran 1.5 miles crosstown to meet her on the East Side and we took off down the path along the East River. It’s been renovated since I last ran down that way, but I still prefer the West Side. After Saturday’s long run, my legs felt tight, but by the time I met up with Rebecca, they’d loosened up.

We began running, and by 1.5 miles into our planned 4.5 together, I started feeling terrible. I’m no stranger to stomach issues, but I also felt like I was going to puke, a feeling that still hasn’t gone away. We ended up stopping quite a few times to walk (thank you, Rebecca!) but we eventually finished, and I walked the 1.5 miles back home, hoping it would settle my stomach.

No dice, and I felt so crappy that I ended up skipping the Guster/Jack’s Mannequin concert I bought tickets for months ago.

I laid down for awhile and thought about what would be easy on my stomach for dinner.


I finally decided on another turkey burger, on a sandwich thin.


And a really good smoothie: coconut milk, spinach, frozen mixed berries, frozen mango and vanilla protein powder.

Nope. Still too much. I’m going to sleep and hoping to wake up feeling better tomorrow.

12 comments on “A No Good, Very Bad Run

  1. Dori

    Oh no!! I am so sorry you are feeling so sick. This is why I always run in the morning… you never know what might happen once food is in you. I am so sorry you had to skip the concert. We were both looking forward to it so much and now neither of us got to go. Feel better!!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Dori: I know! Most of the time, I run in the morning for this very reason, but I thought I might be able to run in the afternoon today and be okay. Guess not 🙁

      Hope your first day went well!!!

  2. Christine

    oh no – hope you’re feeling better by getting a good night’s sleep! at least you got out there…. stomach issues on any run = no fun.

    and i totally laughed out loud at your comment “Is the amount of half your paycheck okay?” sums it all up right there i think.


  3. Carol Blanchfield

    Ok, that lunch looked disgusting!!!!
    Where did you buy it, might want to investigate and never go there again.
    That smoothie No!!! not good if your stomach is bothering you

    Ok, just a little advice from mother,
    Just maybe I might be able to help you with the food problem

    a concerned Mom

  4. Molly

    Ugh! I’m so sorry. That’s got to be frustrating!

    I went to Guster/Jack’s Mannequin/ Ra Ra Riot in Baltimore on Sunday… LOVED IT! But it was really long and I battled some stomach issues while there, too. Weird.

  5. Laurel

    Blarg! What a bummer that you missed Guster! I totally forgot about that show until I got home last night. Oh well—let’s catch them next time!!

  6. Jenn Brigole

    Bummer. It must have been the food (or the combination of what you ate). When I do run/exercise in the afternoon or evening, I always choose to eat something dry or at least not so gooey before doing so. I find myself quite “heavy” when I eat vegetables, too. 😐


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