High Five for Friday!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already. I must say, although it’s difficult and time-consuming, I’m really glad I’m training for this marathon while I don’t have a full-time job right now for a few reasons:

  • Time, obviously. It’s nice to be able to run whenever I want, although I do usually still end up running in the morning–but later than I would have to if I had to be into an office by 9(:30).
  • It is such a good distraction from spending most of my day attached to my computer, networking my booty off and applying for jobs.
  • It is awesome to have a goal to work towards that I feel I can control the outcome. Sure, I can do everything in my power to prepare for an interview and charm the pants off of someone who’s interviewing me, but at the end of the day, it’s their decision whether they want to extend an offer to me.The marathon? I can control my training and recovery and therefore have as much control over the situation as possible. Yes, it’s possible that come race day I will wake up sick (I actually ran the entire Chicago Marathon with a sore throat and woke up really sick the next day) or my stomach will be bothering me, but I’ll know I did everything I could.

Last night, I worked on a freelance piece for DailySpark for most of the night. I could not get comfortable, and I worked on the piece from: my couch, my kitchen table, a chair by the window and my bed.

I happened to catch these two shots of the gorgeous sunset last night as I was attempting to get comfortable.

Dinner was sort of a pizza bowl. After Wednesday night’s pizza-making, I was still craving pizza, but I had some brown rice and a chicken burger to use up, so I mixed them up with some broccoli, spaghetti sauce and mozzarella to make a weird little pizza bowl.

This morning, I jumped right out of bed to tackle my to-do list before Tina got here: run four miles, take a conference call with one of my freelance social media clients, clean. Boom.

Tina’s here now, so we’re going to go play in the city.

But while I’m out, you might want to read two awesome posts that mentioned me today: Gabriela’s Feature Friday and Katy’s Five for Friday.



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