For My Sanity

As I may have mentioned once or twice, being laid off is not much fun.

There is the very obvious lack of job and salary, but then there are other things that you might not realize contribute to your sanity–being around other people, having a place to go everyday and a feeling of accomplishment.


This is not a person. No matter how hard he tries to act like one. He still uses the bathroom outside and eats out of a bowl on the floor. Not a person.

That is also not an office. No matter how much time I spend on it with my laptop.

photo 1.JPG

But this? This? This helps with my sanity.

[drinks with friends at the Frying Pan on the last day of their regular season]


No sanity here.


Hello? Have you seen my sanity? Is it in this molcajete?


You know what does help my sanity, though? Mexican food with my parents.


Nothing a little guacamole can’t fix, right?


And, um, candles for my dog’s birthday. No shame.


But ultimately, these damn cashew clusters are what finally drove me out of my house to get stuff done at a coffee shop (something I should have done months ago for my sanity.) They should be illegal.

So, please tell me. What do you do for your sanity?

24 comments on “For My Sanity

  1. Lizzy

    I’m still trying to find out. Pretty sure I’m not sane : )

    Anyway, Happy Birthday Bailey! And we were supposed to go to the Frying Pan last time I was in NYC! And now its closed? Tear.

  2. Carol Blanchfield

    Get out of dodge and a nice visit with my daughter!!
    Having a daughter to teach you all about having fun in the city,
    and projects, do I find projects,
    Decorate our house for all the Holidays
    Lists my lists have lists of things to do
    Errands all kinds of places to go and people to see
    and of course seeing friends and having a nice lunch
    and of course my husband being there for me at the end of the day!!

  3. Liz

    I think your mom rocks for her cute posts πŸ™‚ I was laid off once for 5 weeks, I skied, a ton. It also helped that midweek skiing is super cheap and a big hit with the elderly, I could have met a sugar daddy. Good luck on the search and your sanity!

  4. Jenny

    I felt the same way after my latest ankle surgery. I was still working, but I was working from home on the couch. The fact that I never had to get dressed for anything mixed with the fact that my mobility was limited really drove me nuts. I was getting pretty depressed near the end. I remember breaking down into tears a few times because I just needed to get out of the house. I started looking forward to trips to the grocery store and doctor’s appointments. Sadly, that’s what kept me sane. πŸ™‚

  5. janet scudieri

    I think the thing that keeps my sanity, is friends. You can complain and they will listen to you no matter if they agree with you or not. When you feel down, pick up the phone and call a friend and go out someplace. I know you will get a job real soon, and then you will not have the time to go out as much.So enjoy this little break, and good things will be happening soon, I just know it.

  6. Beth @ Beth's Journey

    This part literally made me laugh out loud: This is not a person. No matter how hard he tries to act like one. He still uses the bathroom outside and eats off of a bowl on the floor. hahahaha.

    And me? Sane? Not so.

  7. Kimra

    When I wasn’t working, I had to make myself put on real clothes to feel sane. I also loved doing busy things at non-busy times β€”Β like shopping at Target at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday.

    In general, baking is the thing that makes me feel most sane, though by sane I probably mean “in control” since I’m a total control freak anyway.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Kimra: That is how I feel about things like Trader Joe’s and the gym.

      And I suppose real clothes do help.

      Yoga pants are real clothes, right? πŸ™‚

  8. Michelle

    I love Bailey. That is all. I want to reach through the screen and pet his furry little face. Sorry if that’s weird. I’m a dog person. πŸ™‚

    And for my sanity? Run, run and more running!

  9. Kelly

    embarassing side notes– I peed outside this morning (on a long run in farm country, pa) and am eating on my floor in front of my laptop now (comfy when i’ve been sitting at a desk all day)… according to you, i am not a person and just like your dog! haha so i guess i am insane. but to get sane, i like to EXERCISE! (especially first thing in the morning to clear my thoughts/ plan my day)

    ps- i was also once addicted to those kirland cashew clusters–> the reason i no longer buy them!

  10. Debbie

    we take to the skies. when life starts getting a little too overwhelming & as long as it doesnt involve a family emergency, we have what we call our “escape plan”. we have bags that are packed & already in the plane. they contain everything we would need for a 3-4 soljern at a variety of desintations. weve been known to drop everything (literally….my bf once dropped everything he was holding after standing online at best buy for over an hour waiting to get checked out during the holidays) & we head for our hanger/airstrip. we have a huge laminated map on a cork board in the office that we’ll close our eyes & throw a dart at. wherever it lands is where we are going. no discussion, we just file our flight plan & go. after all, all that stuff that was driving us crazy will still be there when we get back, but we will be in a much better frame of mind after a few cocktails on key west or hiking around the grand canyon…

  11. Erica Sara

    I totally feel your pain! Working from home is great but drives me completely insane sometimes. That’s why I try to have plans at least 6 of the 7 days of the week. Even if it’s just meeting a friend for a quick cup of coffee or meeting someone for a run. Otherwise I might not get out of my PJs on some days. Just a reminder that I’m around if you go too insane & need to grab a cup of something πŸ™‚

  12. Tropical Eats

    love your mom’s comments. πŸ™‚

    still never been to frying pan! that view & sunset are incredible.

    for my sanity, i usually find a day trip out of the city. Something with nature and not skyscrapers.


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