The Good Things

I’m generally fine at getting out of the house at night, thankfully. I usually have plans with friends a few nights a week, which certainly keeps my sanity intact.

Last night, Samantha invited me and a few other people over for a chocolate-tasting party. Um, twist my arm.



This is what good nights are made of.

Ghiardelli sent her the chocolate to host a wine and chocolate party. It was all dark chocolate, which is my favorite. When I was losing weight, I usually had a few pieces of dark chocolate every night right before bed as a treat. (Now my treats are oh, just a little bigger.)

We sampled both the 60% cacao and the 86% cacao dark chocolates. The 60% was good, but I liked the 86% much better because it was so strong. I really only needed a few squares of it, although I did have more for quality control. You know, to make sure each piece was as good as the last. You were technically supposed to pair the 86% with red wine, but I prefer white, so I drank it with white, too. Samantha even followed the suggested food pairings, serving pretzels and caramel popcorn on the side.


She had a pumpkin plant! Isn’t this cute??


Thanks for having me!

More Good Things!

I went to the doctor this morning for my knee.

She said it was definitely runner’s knee.

No, I didn’t miscategorize this. This is a good thing. There’s not something worse with my knee, and she thinks I will be okay for the marathon, so long as the pain doesn’t get worse. She prescribed me 4-6 weeks physical therapy, which means that I can even continue to rehab my knee after the marathon. I actually sort of like PT because I get to get stronger and learn more exercises.


I had a little time to kill, so I stopped at a diner and got some eggs. And bacon. Bacon is good.

Afterwards, I went over to Junior League for a networking event. In addition to our work in the community, one of the great things we do is train our volunteers with professional and leadership skills. I’ll post more about this later, but it was a really interesting session that left me feeling recharged about my job search.

I also have some fun weekend plans coming up: Junior League party Friday night, wine tour Saturday, long run Sunday.

What’s good for you right now?

26 comments on “The Good Things

  1. Celia

    Chocolate and wine! Sounds like a great evening!

    What’s good for me right now? Finally feeling like I can move around after my marathon last weekend. Downhill marathons are dangerous!!

  2. Samantha

    Yay, thanks for coming last night! So much fun. And thank goodness about the runner’s knee diagnosis. I’m odd too (I guess?) and loved every time I had to go in for a PT session after my ACL surgery. It was fun learning new exercises and I definitely could feel the strength building up over time.

    Have fun this weekend, and let me know about what you hear tomorrow!

  3. Kimra

    Weird to be woo-ing for runner’s knee, but it’s good you know what it is and have a plan for getting better! I love PT, too. Because I am a nerd.

    Good for me: I am so freaking excited for this weekend’s race (Nike half). I am starting to make big plans for next year. I impulse-bought boots that I LOVE last weekend, even though I’m banning them from my feet until after Nike. There are good leftovers in my fridge.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Kimra: yay! I’m excited for you, too. Also did you finally decide to buy the boots because you were sick of just talking about shopping? 🙂

  4. Ash Bear

    It looks like you had a great night which hopefully balances out the bad! I’m sad I’ll miss this weekend’s fun but hopefully I can join you for more NYJL fun later this season!!

  5. ellen

    mmm, chocolate and wine. good that your knee issue is totally manageable and you’ll be good to go for the marathon. i’ve had runner’s knee – more of an annoyance than anything. are you in the taper now?

    What’s good for me right now is tea. And lots of it. I’m getting over an ugly cold and have been drinking tea (all kinds) round the clock. i’m convincing myself it’s working…

  6. Tracey

    Good for me right now is downloading my iOS 5 software right now 🙂
    Also, hopefully good for me is going to see my PT tomorrow AM and hopefully getting the thumbs up to start running again. Haven’t run (per doctor’s orders) since my half marathon in Disney on 10/1, and I am missing it something fierce!!

  7. Mads

    Talking of delicious food and wine, can you give us any good food tips for our trip to NYC next month? Obviously we’ll be in need of serious carbs on Saturday night so a good neighbourhood Italian would be good to know about – we’re staying in Times Square. Plus any cool places to go would be good to know. Thanks 🙂

  8. Debbie

    we are hopping in the plane this afternoon & heading to vegas. our casino host was able to get us in their ‘million dollar moments slot tourney’. its limited to 50 people w/ a $25k buy in & while we don’t expect to place in any of the top money spots (at least we haven’t yet & we’ve competed in these tourneys before), we do expect to have a fab time. our hostess lined up a bunch of shows, dinner reservations & vip club passes. its gonna be non stop party all weekend & then back to the grind on monday. for any vip high rollers out there who want a great experience in vegas, ask for beverly at the bellagio. she’s done an awesome job for us for years.

  9. Heather

    Hi, I recently started reading your blog and love it! I am moving into NYC in the next month (I live in NJ now and work in NYC) and am looking for ways to meet people/volunteer so I decided to give Junior League a try! You inspired me. I actually have my training on Monday night for it. Thanks!


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