Happy Birthday Bailey!!

Five years ago today, my sweet little dog Bailey was born. I got him when he was just a little pup, so we’ve had almost five years of memories together. (Okay, he probably doesn’t remember any of it. He is a dog.)

I was only 23 years old when I got him, so I’ve obviously changed a lot since I got him. At the time, I was going out and staying out late every night after work. Obviously, I had to tame that when I got him so I could take care of him, and I did it without blinking an eye. He’s brought me a few tears and a few screams of frustration when he was a puppy, but this 20 pounds of lhasa-poo has brought me so much happiness and love and has made me a more caring person.

(Also, according to Emily, I can’t walk past a dog now without smiling. Fair enough.)

I try to keep the gratuitous pictures of Bailey on my blog to a minimum, but in honor of his birthday, here are quite a few Bailey pictures!

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Puppy’s first Christmas.

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Umm. Yeah. He broke his leg when he was a puppy. He fell off a chair on Christmas Eve. I’m pretty sure I cried harder than him on the way to the vet. He had to have this cast on for about three weeks, but by the way he jumps today, you’d never know he broke his little leg.

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Yes, the cast was half the size of him, and yes, he got bigger and I got smaller.

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Pretty much my favorite picture of him ever. My parents sent me this last year when I was running the marathon.


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Santa Paws!

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His favorite hobby.

How am I celebrating his fifth birthday? (You know I am.) Taking him to a dog costume parade later (probably not his idea of birthday fun…) and then my parents are coming in to see him!

So, am I totally ridiculous, or would you/do you celebrate your dog’s birthday, too? If you have a dog, what kind? If not, if you could get any kind, what kind would you get?

16 comments on “Happy Birthday Bailey!!

  1. Michelle

    Happy Birthday Bailey!! What a cute furry face you have!!! I have a corgi/ jack Russell mix and I celebrate her birthday every year. Like you, getting a dog changed my life. I would happily leave a night out to go home and walk her and then snuggle up with her. (although a boy would be better! :))

  2. MindyG

    We make our dog a birthday cake each year, and give him presents. πŸ™‚ So since normal is all relative…. I say you’re very normal. πŸ™‚ HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAILEY!!!

  3. Sara

    I totally agree that our dog’s birthdays should be celebrated each year! I have a 2 year old Airedale Terrier named Woolly Bear who has all of his human aunts, uncles and grandparents attend his party each year.

    By the way, I love your blog!!!!

  4. Jen

    I just love when you post pictures of Bailey. Celebrate away! I have a Bichon Frise and my friend has a Cavalier King Charles who just turned two so I got cupcakes for the adults and squeaky toys for the pups and we had a little fun πŸ™‚

  5. Rosalba

    Happy birthday, Bailey!
    I have two dogs myself πŸ™‚ A Chihuahua mix (probably w Chinese Crested), Frida, is 5 and totally the princess of the house. Everyone spoils her, no matter what I say! πŸ™‚ in all fairness, she’s way cool and a bit strange as far as Chihuahuas go: likes most people, LOVES children, is potty-trained… And then there’s Lucca, the Saint Bernard. He’s 3 and a big baby -totally a momma’s boy. That dog is probably the love of my life! (my boyfriend understands πŸ˜‰ ) Most people find the pairing pretty amusing… So you can probably guess I do celebrate their birthdays! Usually little things, or just special treats, but I’m already so regularly obsessed with my dogs… They really do affect a lot of the decisions I make in my life! So I agree with previous comments -celebrate away! Other dog people get it πŸ˜€

  6. Olivia

    First its not weird to celebrate your dogs birthday – we wish our two puppies, Winston and Khloe (mini English Goldendoodles), a happy “month-day”. Yeah… maybe that is a little weird.

  7. Laura

    Happy Birthday Bailey!! I have a yellow lab back at home named Marilyn Monroe and my mom considers her a third child, so she’ll get her special dog treats and pamper her (more than usual). My brother’s dog Tex gets a hamburger for his birthday each year (he doesn’t ever get human food)

  8. Carol Blanchfield

    Happy birthday to our favorite dog! We picked you because you were the best dog in the pet store. You are a blessing to your mom and us!

    Mom and Dad

  9. Laura

    Cute!! Happy birthday, Bailey! I celebrate my dog’s birthday too. It’s coming up in November, and I will definitely be getting or making him a dog cake and celebrating with a long trip to the dog park.

    My dog is the best thing to happen to me. I got Max right after college when I was still going out lots, which I immediately quiet when I adopted him. I never missed going out constantly after getting him.

  10. Meg G

    Happy Birthday Bailey!! Of course you’re not crazy to celebrate! We usually make Soli wear her birthday hat and take a picture. We baked her a huge doggy biscuit cake for her first birthday with a dog bone shaped pan.

  11. Jenny

    You better believe I do! I have a 3 year old pomchi named Henry and his birthday has never gone by without doggie ice cream, new toys, chewy bones and some sort of party hat. Happy birthday to Bailey!


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