After the Marathon

Allow me to pimp this post one more time: I ran the NYC Marathon on Sunday, and it was amazing.

I left off that post at meeting my family at JackRabbit, where I’d dropped some stuff off the day before.

They had a pretty sweet spread of bagels and hot chocolate. I didn’t have much of an appetite yet, so I just sort of nibbled on a bagel and sat there until Lacey said she was at my apartment waiting for me. Crap. Time to get movin’ and get home.

I walked into my apartment, and promptly popped a bottle of bubbly I got on my Long Island wine tour a few weeks ago. I’d been saving it for a special occasion. A marathon most definitely counts as a special occasion.


This is the face of a girl who is very happy but also very cold.


Lacey thought I should give you all a close-up of my headband. It’s Sparkly Soul, and I got it at the expo. In total small world-ness, the founder is Erica’s neighbor. And I only had to adjust once in the entire marathon. It’s a keeper, and thankfully not just because it’s sparkly.


Why are you so tired? You didn’t run a marathon.


Tebowing. It took approximately five minutes to get down there and another 5 to get back up. And don’t you love how my foam roller fits so perfectly under my counter? Easy access to my lover. (You’re not in love with a long piece of foam? Weird.)


Finally, it was time to get that post-race beer I’d been dreaming about all day. I went for a Goose Island IPA.


To eat, I had a burger and sweet potato fries. There is nothing that sounds better to me than a burger and a beer after a marathon. This burger, however, was sort of lame. It was definitely overcooked.

I wanted so badly to party like a rockstar on Sunday night, but shockingly enough, I was exhausted. I was in bed by 11.

Yesterday concluded the official marathon stuff.

I went back up to the park to get my medal engraved and look at finisher gear. After waiting on line for 40 minutes, I got inside and they told me I’d waited on the wrong line and I’d have to wait in line all over again. I was so tired, I nearly looked at the lady and started crying. Instead, I thought about how else I could get my medal engraved. I’ll probably just take it to a trophy shop near my parents’ to get it engraved. Also, you can apparently send them in to NYRR to get engraved, but I can’t find anything online about that.



I got on the subway at Columbus Circle to come home and was excited to see all of this.


Including my name on the wall o’names!



It’s true–the finish line was just the start…of marathon posts. I have a few more marathon-related posts in mind this week.

So, what do you do after a long race?

20 comments on “After the Marathon

  1. ellen

    my post-race scene looked remarkably similar to yours (uhh, including the red long-sleeve mizuno shirt – i got the same one). and substitute hefeweissen for the bubbly.

    i guess the thing that i’m starting to think is… what next? i love training and will bask in post-marathon glory a bit longer, but totally want something on the horizon.

  2. Sarah

    Congrats on your fantastic marathon! Sunday was my first and can’t wait to do it again in 2012!!

    Niketown on 57th was doing free engraving yesterday. Not sure if it’s still going on, but was easy. Just dropped it off and picked it up a few hours later.

  3. Brie

    Random: I am obsessed with your name. When I was pregnant, I kept trying to get Tim to warm up to “Theodora” for a girl but he was having none of it. Boo.

    Also, I want to come kidnap Bailey.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Brie: Awww šŸ™‚ I actually hated my name until I went to college and majored in journalism. Then I realized having a unique name for a byline was actually a huge asset.

      Kidnap Bailey, and I will kill you.

      1. Lizzy

        @Theodora: Maybe that’s why we all called you Theo in college! I’m still working on getting over that suga : )

        I think you should keep writing more marathon posts for awhile! I’m enjoying each one!

        After marathons I usually can’t walk for a few days but I love reading others race reports- seeing the race through others POV is my favorite thing.

        Congrats again!

  4. Maria

    After a long race, I enjoy a delicious meal/treat and don’t feel guilty in the least bit. Congrats on your race! Reading all these posts on the NYCM makes me really want to CHI.after 3 halfs, I think I’m ready!

  5. cindylu

    I had a gourmet burger, sweet potato fries and beer after marathon #2. I would’ve taken a nap, but i was too wound up. Also, I do my best to avoid walking down stairs even if it makes me look like the lazy person who takes the elevator one flight down.

  6. Liz

    I keep thinking about my next marathon…VT maybe? Hmm..

    Love the silver boat shoes, keep debating on whether or not I should get them šŸ™‚

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Liz: I guess the coloring’s a little off in that photo, but they’re actually gold. And I love them–I kind of think of them as the cold-weather version of flip-flops.

  7. Kate

    It’s been really fun to read about your marathon experience–congratulations and thank you for sharing! You make it look so easy šŸ™‚ But you clearly put in tons of hard work and should be so proud. Can’t wait to see the rest of the marathon posts!

  8. Kim K

    even after 5ks i am in bed at like 11pm šŸ˜‰ let’s see..usually i drink wine and eat steak, although after Ironman Cozumel I ate chex mix and drank a margarita! sounds like you had an incredible post-marathon meal – i also love me some red meat after a race. congrats again!

  9. Michelle

    Ack!I’m SO sad I didn’t know that wall of names was in the subway! šŸ™

    Let’s see after the race on Sunday I sat on a curb till my family found me and the sassed off to a guy on the subway who complained about me going to slow on the stairs (uh hello? Do you not see the mylar blanket and medal?)Then I ate an enormous grilled cheese and french fries and passed out like a little baby by 10pm. šŸ™‚

  10. ShortSkirtsandScience

    Congrats after the Marathon! I remember after my first half marathon, I laid in bed most of the day then went out to dinner and promptly passed out when we got home.

    There’s nothing quite as refreshing as sleeping after a race well ruN!


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