Greetings from Mohegan Sun

Greetings from Mohegan Sun!

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Ashley and I hopped a train last night to meet Anne and Tina at Mohegan Sun for the Sun Winefest. (A big thanks to Mohegan Sun for comping our room and passes to the wine festival.) Cait, who will also be here tomorrow, wrote an awesome post describing the winefest (which is my new favorite word), but basically, it features 1,000 beer, wine and spirit brands in their convention center. And yes, I intend to try them all.


We got into New London around 9 and had a little time to kill before Anne and Tina picked us up, so we made a beeline for the nearest bar, obviously. We ended up at the Y Knot Cafe, a little townie bar with FOUR DOLLAR LONG TRAILS. Love.


We got to the hotel, dropped our stuff off and made a beeline for dinner at Ballo.




To you, this is just a ramekin of butter. To me, this is a ramekin of butter in olive oil with herbs and amazingness. I put it on bread, but I really could have just eaten it straight out of the ramekin and been happy. (Is that gross?)


Since we were basically going to eat and go right to sleep (we’re wild like that), we split a pizza and some sides. These are meatballs with pomodoro and ricotta salata.


Because anything is wonderful when fried, we had some crispy artichokes with arugula and lemon.


Pizza with sweet sausage and caramelized onions.


But the stars of last night were the Brussels sprouts with pancetta and honey. These came out first, and we almost ended a few friendships fighting over them. Sweet, savory and wonderful.

After a long week, we were all beat and went to bed immediately after dinner so we could wake up early to run this morning.

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(Some were more excited than others.)

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Pretty, right?

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Well, we actually ran around a landfill. There’s no running paths around here, so we had to do some improvising.

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Insert cliche yoga poses here.

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And buff Crossfit-ers. She’s going to do a WOD with us in the hotel gym tomorrow. I’m a little nervous.


After 5.6 miles, we headed back for breakfast, which was also included in our media pass. (Dinners are on our own dime.)



I got way too hungry to take pictures of my food before I ate it, but I got an omelette and had some bacon and toast on the side.

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Time to drink some wine. High fives for that.

I will most definitely not be posting again today, but feel free to follow me on Twitter for some amusing tweets.

5 comments on “Greetings from Mohegan Sun

  1. Nicole

    Looks like a lot of fun! The dinner last night looked delicious! I might break my 3 year vegetarian streak for those Brussels sprouts!!
    Nah….. πŸ™‚

  2. Tasha

    Wow, looks like you had some amazing dinner selections! Looks like a great place to have dinner – thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to see what the wine tasting was like!

  3. Caitlin

    thanks for linking up to my pre-winefest post! it’s also my fave new word. i knew you ladies would be doing some running! love the shot of the eggs, the custard that pete & gerry’s eggs had at the winefest was amaaazing. i have been dying to eat at ballo (tried a pancetta slider at their booth) and wow, your meal looks so good. i’ve GOTTA go!


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