A Carolina Getaway

While I didn’t mean to be all, SURPRISE! I WENT AWAY…



I don’t get any vacation days until I’ve been at my job for 90 days (which is actually next week!), and I was dying for some sort of relaxing getaway. Don’t get me wrong–Mohegan Sun was a ton of fun, but not necessarily relaxing.

My mom and I discussed various warm-weather destinations for this weekend but were ultimately not ready to give my one-day first-born child for airfare, so we decided to go to coastal North Carolina.


Any excuse for me to wear my boat shoes other than walking to work will do.


Don’t mind my mom, she’s just chasing the birds.


I know these pictures make it look all peaceful and idyllic–and it was–but it was also cold. We got down there late Friday night and spent Saturday exploring Southport. The weather was in the high 50s/low 60s on Saturday, which was nice, but the rest of the trip was chilly, which was a bit of a bust.


Let it be known that this is not always a warm-weather scene.


Downtown Southport.


A St. Patrick’s Day Christmas tree…


A random massive checker board.


We returned tonight on a plane so small (Canadair CL-65 for any aviation junkies/those terrified of flying who check the airplane types obsessively) that they had to gate check our bags and bring them to and from the plane on a cart because they couldn’t fit overhead. I know there are planes way smaller than this, but this one is small enough to make me very, very nervous.

I scheduled some posts over the weekend and took few pictures because I really wanted to relax–and we didn’t do anything particularly exciting–so this is just a peek into my weekend.

Time to make the donuts!

6 comments on “A Carolina Getaway

  1. Katrina @ 'Sota is Sexy

    Love the boat shoes! I wear my Sperry’s whenever I get the chance. Although there’s six inches of snow here in Minnesota so it will probably be a while before I can bust them out 🙂 Glad you had a fun (albeit cold) getaway!


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