Exhaustedly Content

Last night I wrote this really important post (I need a sarcasm font) about how I’m busy but happy and my blogging software ate it, so I’m attempting to recreate it here.


I’ve heard from some people they miss my food posts. Why? I’m not sure either.

My meals are usually whole-wheat carb + protein + vegetable. Not much to see there. But last night I felt like taking a picture of my dinner, so please behold some whole wheat gnocchi from Trader Joe’s, pesto, spinach and grape tomatoes. All my protein was frozen, so I ate a hard-boiled egg on the side for some protein.

You can just ship my James Beard award to my office.

I have two challenges this week.

1. Finish the below workouts from Gia. I already missed a run last night and am hoping to get it in tonight, but with a 7pm conference call, things aren’t looking great.

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As long as I don’t get out of work too late, I’m going to do as much of it as I can.

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2. The other challenge is just breathing. This week’s pollen forecast is miserable, and I have terrible allergies.

But minus the straight shot at my sinuses and lungs, life is good. I’m settled in my new apartment, I’m working on some interesting things at work, and anything that’s keeping me busy is something I’ve chosen to keep me busy.

What’s the *good* stuff keeping you busy?


8 comments on “Exhaustedly Content

  1. Jessica

    Work! Work is great and keeping me right on the edge of overwhelm. I’ve been telling myself for a few weeks that I’m tired and need a vacation. Today, I decided to not only schedule some vacation time, but also to change the way I talk to myself about being worn out. Instead, I’m embracing it and trying to enjoy the ride.

  2. Kate (Brooklyn Running)

    That gnocchi looks amazing! Trader Joe’s makes the most amazing food…

    Keeping busy by planning a trip to San Francisco this weekend! And keeping busy by wondering when I’ll squeeze in a run on my trip…

  3. Rose @disney scooter rentals

    I started doing going to our local oval and doing some rounds but the whole week it was raining. I am now inspired by your blog to get fit. I also check what I eat and health healthy. I’m just so happy that I’m getting healthier.


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