New Balance Fall Preview and the Return of the Tempo

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First of all, apologies if you saw a version of this earlier. I meant to save as a draft, but published by accident.

Yesterday, I had an awesome client event. New Balance had their fall press preview, and I worked at it for a few hours.

We showed quite a few lines of shoes, but there was one that I was dying to try–the RC 1600s.



First of all, they’re GORGEOUS. I value my knees and not injuring them, so I don’t pick my shoes based on looks, but these are one good-looking pair of shoes.

And they’re made for marathoners. They’re racing shoes built for people racing distances anywhere up to 26.2. (It just so happens I’ll be doing that again in October!) They’re lightweight (less than 5 ounces) and have a shorter heel-to-toe drop.

I have never worn racing shoes before, and honestly, I’m not sure if I ever would have bought them, but I decided to take them out on a tempo run this morning. One mile warm-up, two miles tempo (8:20, 7:56!), one mile cool-down.

They were awesome. The first mile it felt a bit odd wearing such a light shoe with a thin sole, but after that, it felt great. I could definitely feel how a lighter shoe helped my legs power through.

The tempo run was also amazing, too. So far, so good on my #RWrunstreak. 4 for 4. For the past few months, I’ve had no desire to do any sort of speed work at all, but knowing I’m starting marathon training next month, I’m starting to add it back in to prepare my body for what’s to come. (Dear body: a lot of running. Some of it as fast as you possibly can.)

We also showed the RC 5000s–the lightest shoe ever. The women’s version weighs 2.7 ounces!

They’re made for short-distance racing and speed workouts. (And are also gorgeous.)

Do you (or would you ever) wear racing shoes?

17 comments on “New Balance Fall Preview and the Return of the Tempo

  1. Gia

    Drool … Let the coveting begin.
    I know I have told you this, but I swear upon my 890’s that New Balance has singlehandedly saved my knees.

  2. Michelle

    LOVE the shoes. I’m obsessed with brightly colored shoes, and these are great. I’m definitely going to check these out – teaching as many classes & working out as much as I do = buying new shoes frequently πŸ™‚

  3. Daphne @ Candy Coated Runner

    Man, those shoes look great! I’ve never worn racing shoes, but I’ve been doing a lot of my speedwork in my Brooks Pure Cadence. I think I’m going to start using them for my shorter races too (anything under 10 mi). But maybe I’ll have to check out these New Balance ones for my fall marathon!

  4. Meghan

    When I ran track and cross country I had racing flats, and I loved them. They were silver and felt SO light! I love the look of these shoes, and with the NYC Marathon coming up, will definitely look for them.

  5. fionarwbl

    Oooooooh, so pretty!!! I am looking for a lighter shoe for tempo and speedwork. I’m debating the Newton Distance (but $$!), and the Brooks Pure Cadence, but these also look amazing. I have a flat arch and mild pronation, but don’t do well with a lot of support, or minimal shoes either.

  6. Tasha

    I used to have racing shoes when I ran track in high school. Since then I haven’t touched them. I love the way they look, and I think lightweight shoes are great but I haven’t found the right fit yet.

  7. Christina

    I’ve never really thought about buying racing shoes but it’s something I’d most definitely be interested in! I do have a light pair of Nike’s that I bought and I can tell a huge difference between those and my Brooks.

  8. Crystal

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