The (Mis)adventures of My Mom and Me

I’m usually pretty good at getting myself into ridiculous situations, and so is my mom, so when you put the two of us together, there’s always some (mis)adventure.

By late last week, neither of us had plans for this long weekend, and so we decided to get away for a little sun and fun. She hadn’t been to Wildwood Crest (the nicer one) since I was but a wee one, and I haven’t been since high school, but we thought it might be fun. Obviously, the week before a holiday weekend, our options were limited, and so we took what we could get.

We got in yesterday, and I’m usually pretty easygoing, but the hotel? Um, no. Neither of us were fans, and I tried to convince my mom it’d be okay and we should just suck it up, but we ended up switching hotels this morning.


Yesterday, we laid on the beach for most of the day and then went to Cape May once we couldn’t take the sun any more.


They have a really cute outdoor pedestrian mall area that sort of reminded me of Boulder.


For dinner, we went to a place called Pacific Grill, which was really good. I also happened to convince the pickiest eater in the world to try edamame. That, or she was so hungry, she would have eaten the tablecloth.


For dinner, I got this amazing mound of goodness: cobia fish, carrots, spaghetti squash and bok choy. I don’t usually pick my dinner based on the vegetables it comes with, but bok choy and spaghetti squash are definitely among my favorite vegetables.


We also split a half-bottle of wine from my fine home state, and it was surprisingly good. (I mean, have you ever heard of NJ wine if you don’t live here? No.)


Don’t mind my nose. I auditioned for a part playing Rudolph yesterday.



Today, after failing so miserably at unplugging (hello conference call while staring at the ocean) that I drained my phone battery by 2pm, we headed over to the boardwalk in Wildwood to check it out.

We played one of those water-gun squirt games and ended up winning.


I promise after this post I will never post another picture of a teddy bear again.


Bitch, please.


YOU CAN’T SEE THE NAME OF THIS ICE CREAM SHOP, BUT IT IS CALLED BANANA’S. I was in my element. Unfortunately, I was also sick to my stomach all afternoon, so I didn’t partake in anything.


Including fried Kool-Aid, shockingly.


My mom’s cool and all, but can’t take a jump shot to save her life.


Tonight’s dinner was at La Piazza, an Italian place. After feeling sick all afternoon, I wanted something that wasn’t super heavy or greasy in any way, and so I ended up with pasta primavera with chicken, which was fine.


But the best part of the night was the three-piece band playing. It was freaking priceless, and we were completely amused through dinner. They were pretty good, minus the fact they didn’t play any Frankie.

They went on just as we were sitting down, and were packing up as we were leaving, so we’re choosing to believe they came just to serenade us.

Favorite Frankie song? Anyone in your life that spending time with is just inviting adventure?

8 comments on “The (Mis)adventures of My Mom and Me

  1. Cathryn @ myheartscontent

    You make me miss my Mum – she’s in the UK, I’m in California. But Mum and Dad land in California in 26 sleeps. I can’t wait!! And Laura is right, you do look so toned and strong!!! Glad you had such a good time with your Mum.

  2. Dina

    Hi Theodora- Long time reader, new poster. Totally off topic, but I will be in NYC next week and after reading Tina’s post today I would love to know where your favorite bagel is? Also hope to take a run in Central Park for the first time, if it cools down! Thanks for the info.

  3. Katie

    My parents were at La Piazza last night and the owner was my Dad’s next door
    neighbor growing up. I saw this post and had to comment! If you’re looking for
    any other restaurants, Washington Inn in Cape May is outstanding! Enjoy the jersey shore!


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