Just for Funsies: 3 Sites I’ve Loved Lately

Just wanted to duck in to share some fun stuff I’m stumbled across on the Internets lately.

My Year on Twitter

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You can see some of the stuff you’ve tweeted about most over the course of this year.

Not surprisingly, my list included #blogher12 (which I live-tweeted like a maniac), miles (which I ran a bunch of), and #fitfluential and #runchat, hashtags I used often.


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Instamotivation – an awesome little site by the Greatist folks for…Insta-motivation.

Run Bayou

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Fine, I’m always obsessed with running calculators. This one is Run Bayou, and it’s not the first time I’ve written about it. (Side note: they’ve updated McMillan. Not sure how I feel about the new design.) I’m eyeing a 10-miler in January, and I’d like a goal for it. I ran the Army Ten-Miler in October, but I didn’t full-out race it because I was running a marathon the next week, and I’d like a good PR right about now. I put in a few times, but I finally decided my 10K PR was the best predictor of my other race times, since it was a pretty solid race and it predicted a marathon time within 13 seconds of my actual marathon time.

What are your favorite sites right now, running or otherwise?

7 comments on “Just for Funsies: 3 Sites I’ve Loved Lately

  1. Gianna

    I am totally obsessed with running calculators. Especially since I am running my first marathon in January! I know I shouldn’t have a time goal but I definitely do!
    I am running that 10 miler as well, its 2 weeks before the marathon and thought it would be a good one.


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