My Debut in Cosmopolitan Magazine!

Last year, I set a goal that I was going to write more. (And finish my book proposal. I didn’t, but I have made more progress on it.)

I missed seeing my byline, and I missed that satisfying feeling of seeing my work in print.

A few months ago, I found out a friend who worked at Cosmo was looking for more freelancers, and I immediately emailed her. “I won’t write about sex,” I said, “but I can write about losing weight…in the city?”

We worked together to come up with an idea, and I wrote it a few months ago.


Today, I’m proud to announce you can read about my weight loss story in the February issue of Cosmo!

So many people think that weight loss is this magic bullet that will automatically make your life better. Losing weight changed my life in so many amazing ways, but it didn’t shield me from problems and that taste of weight-loss success definitely drove me harder to seek success in other areas of my lifeβ€”and this is the arc of the story.

Overall, I’m really happy with the story, but the headline they went with, “I lost 50 pounds, but still wasn’t happy” oversimplifies things a bit, I think. I encourage you to read it and read past the headline.

The magazine isn’t available on newsstands yet (or at least not the Duane Reade and CVS nearest me), and I couldn’t find it on my iPad, but if you have a Kindle, it’s already available on there.

Also, I randomly showed up in a screenshot in a TechCrunch article about TumblrΒ yesterday!

Happy 2013 indeed!

69 comments on “My Debut in Cosmopolitan Magazine!

  1. Alison @ racingtales

    That is absolutely awesome! Congrats on your weight loss and being featured in Cosmo…know we know the people in the magazine are real! πŸ˜‰ I’ll keep an eye out for it. You should get that page framed!

  2. Kristin

    Awesome! I will definitely read it. I have about 20 pounds to lose after a year “off” sport and it’s daunting, losing 50 is incredible. I love your blog so I’m sure I’ll love the article!

  3. Katie H.

    Wow, awesome! It is my dream to become “more of a writer” (i.e. write something besides this blog!). So cool to see somehow who lives that dream πŸ™‚

  4. Gretchen

    I am SO proud of you — and happy that I got clued into this exciting news in advance. Can’t wait to go pick up my copy and then run around to everyone I know going, “I KNOW HER! I KNOOOOOW HER!!!”

  5. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    Check out this hottie hot hot! I don’t buy this magazine but now I am tempted just to support your amazing weight loss and how sexy you are! πŸ™‚ Keep it up, next you’ll be in Vogue, modeling!!

  6. Melissa

    That’s so awesome! I have to ask, how long has it taken for your blog and stuff to really “make it?” Is there a secret I don’t know about?

  7. Linda Chan

    Ooh, I definitely have to get it. I haven’t read an issue of Cosmo for decades, but I want to read your article.
    If you have an iPad, you can get the Kindle app and read the magazine there.

  8. Joel

    Great job Theo!! You are one of my inspirations that lets me know that change is always possible. I always believed in you, so glad Leon cancelled that day πŸ™‚

  9. Dominique

    I saw the Feb issue of Cosmo at Grand Central yesterday- In the Hudson News store in the main concourse. Just in case you haven’t already found it.



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