I’ve Got My Running Mojo Back

…did you know it went away?

Okay, maybe. Running since the D.C. Half , my motivation has waned. I trained pretty hard for that race, trained my heart out for Marine Corps last year and I was a bit mentally burnt out. I wanted to get back to some classes and cross-training, which I always slack on when I have a race on the horizon. I’m pretty bad at balancing both running and cross-training, but I’m hoping now that I’ve been cross-training/yoga-ing more, I’ll miss them more while training and get better at re-incorporating them.


Also, it is FINALLY NICE OUT IN NEW YORK. When I’m not training for anything, I’m more than happy with three miles. A little less than 30 minutes, totally a workout. I set out for three, got to the water (about 1 mile in) and decided I’d definitely do four. I got to 2 (my turnaround point) and decided to do just 1/2 a mile more to get to a very nice five for the day.

Why else is my mojo back? I have the Brooklyn Half coming up…and I’m also doing another sprint tri in my hometown in June. I’m not all that into it – I signed up for it with Ashley before her big news and now she’s not doing it but I talked another friend into doing it for her first tri so I’m in. Now, um, to commit to a gym for the next 6 weeks so I have a place to swim…

But most importantly, there’s been so much running motivation on the Internets lately:

Anne had an amazing PR in at the Nike Women’s Half

Meggie BQ-ed!

So did Laura! (Dear Laura, please write your race recap, thanks :))

And two good friends have decided to run their first marathons:

Anne and Emily – and I am so proud of both of them.


And would like to take at least a little credit for it.

Oh, and marathon training will be starting relatively soon. I have a score to settle with sub-4, so I’m itching to get after it.

Have you been lacking in running mojo lately? How’d you get it back? Are you leaning towards signing up for your first marathon? (Do it!!!)

12 comments on “I’ve Got My Running Mojo Back

  1. Jane @ Not Plain So Jane

    I literally signed up for a 1/2 marathon today for this Sunday! Jumping back in after LA marathon. I am debating doing a full in the fall, maybe! Sub-4 is an awesome goal, that would be mine next time to. There’s something about it!

  2. Rachel C.

    Now that it’s finally warming up, I’m more excited to run and I’m so excited to run the Broad Street 10 miler this Sunday – it is my favorite race ever!

  3. Jessica @ FromtheKitchentotheRoad

    My motivation has taken a serious hit the last week or two. I’m at the end of marathon training and am over it. My first marathon is in just over 2 weeks. Then I can run for fun and add some other exercise to my life. I can’t wait.

  4. Anne

    Eeeeeek!!! Full marathon it is! Thanks for all your enthusiasm – it gets me even more excited every time I talk to you 🙂

  5. Maureen

    I can feel my running mojo starting to wane, so I’m think about a short break after my race on Sunday. I feel like I need the mental and physical time off before I get serious about my fall half plans.

  6. heidi

    Im so happy to hear this happens to other runners. Since my last half marathon in April i totally lose all desire to run. i was pretty sick of me. I signed up for another training rotation with my running group to train for Americas Finest in San Diego in August. Now that the temps are up and the days are longer i’m looking forward to getting back out there.

    I’m also trying to lose the 8 lbs i gained training and cant seem to get it to budge but thats a whole ‘nuther conversation.

  7. Sue

    I’ve taken a long lay off over the winter. I hate running in the dark and cold. But once I sense that Spring is on its way it gives me the motivation I need to get back on the road.

    Have a half marathon in June and started training for it last month. The first weeks were agony, but my body and emotions are starting to adjust. I’ve never done a full marathon yet, but its definitely on my to do list.

  8. Caroline

    AH! This post makes me so excited to be able to start running again! I’ve been nursing a stress fracture with no running for 2 months. I have 11 days left and live in NYC too and it literally hurts my heart to have these beautiful spring mornings where I can’t run. I will be so happy when I can wake up and go outside for a run! I’m sick of cross training!

  9. Nicole

    Now that the weather is improving (was improving–it’s 40, rainy, and I’m back to wearing wool and tights. Boo…it’s May!) I’m much more inclined to run and head out for 5-6 miles at a time.

  10. meghan @ little girl in the big world

    I did lose my mojo for a bit at the end of March. I was ready to be done running for the season and had one more half April 14th. Then I got injured and had to stop running. Then I got an MRI and found out it’s a stress fracture so I’m off from running right now. I guess the injury came at the right time, as I was needing a break. I’m ready to be back now, though. Hopefully my follow up at the end of this month agrees with that plan. I’m excited that you’ve gotten your mojo back! Sometimes we can over train ourselves to death and end up doing more harm than good. And the sprint tri will be fun! I can’t wait to do my first tri soon!


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