July Sponsor Spotlight!

Last month, I launched a sponsorship package on this blog. For $100 or less, you can advertise on this blog and reach a whole bunch of people interested in health, fitness and awesomeness. Check out my sponsor page if you have a blog, Etsy shop or any sort of small business you’d like to promote. Sponsorship includes a display ad in my sidebar and shout-out posts like this to bring more attention to your business.


Just Train by Joel Thomas

Joel’s back for another round of sponsorship. For long-time readers, you’ll recognize his name as the dude who helped me believe in myself and lose 50 pounds. Joel saw me disappointed that my old trainer had bailed yet again and gave me a first session free, and then convinced me that I could, indeed, lose 50 pounds. And I did!

He now runs his own gym in the Financial District, and his classes are an hour long with no more than six people. They’re a mix of strength and cardio, and he says they’ve been getting a lot more athletes in lately so they’ve been doing lots of athletic conditioning. They do sled pushes for resisted sprints and hurdles and ladders for speed and agility.

30 days later, Zoya.png

He also wanted me to share this before-and-after with you. These results are after just 30 days.


Run Gia Run

My friend Gia is an amazing and inspiring athlete, and has hotter abs than I will ever have, despite being the mother of twins. After very very narrowly (we’re talking 10 freaking seconds) missing a BQ, she kicked some major ass at the L.A. Marathon and BQ-ed the hell out of it.

She’s a Lululemon ambassador at the Madison Ave. store, and she leads run club there, as well as working with clients privately. She is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know and her determination despite chasing after two little ones (who, OMG, are the cutest ever) and battling Crohn’s disease is admirable.

Oh, and she went skydiving in her undies.

New Yorkers: check Joel’s classes out! Runners anywhere: look into Gia’s services!

2 comments on “July Sponsor Spotlight!

  1. Joel

    Thank you so much Theo!! You are so inspiring and help so many people. It is because of you and people like you that I train. Positivity and positive acts are like casting a stone into a lake. It ripples out and spreads. Stay motivated.

  2. Ashley

    This seems like a great networking opportunity for bloggers to get the word out! I literally just started my blog last week (finally took the plunge after lurking on healthy living blogs for over a year! I’m so excited by very nervous..). When would you recommend connecting to a resource like this for your blog? I feel like it’d be to early now…

    (PS: youre awesome and have already answered questions for me before, just want to shout out and let you know how much i appreciate it!)


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