Making Lifelong Friends…On the Internet

A little over three years ago, I went to a yoga event in Central Park with a girl named Ashley who I followed on Twitter. We realized we were both training for our first marathons and we both were in Junior League, and we had a lot in common.

I had no idea responding to a tweet would bring me one of my closest friends.

A week or so later, we met up for a mani/pedi and gabbed the entire time.

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We became fast friends as we ran together for hours and hours and hours…

We had our worst long run ever together.

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We went to Vermont together.

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And Vegas.

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We spoke on a panel together. (And then again, in 2012.)

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We went to St. Croix

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…and then she and a few other friends surprised me with a trip to Puerto Rico for my 30th birthday.

You don’t really take pictures of the bad times, but like any other friendship, ours had ups and downs too, and we also helped each other through tough situations in each other’s lives.


But then, several weeks ago, I helped throw a goodbye party for her, because she moved to Geneva yesterday.

Driving back into the city on Sunday, New York State of Mind came on my iPod just as the skyline came into view, and it hit me: my friend who’d I’d g-chatted and texted with daily and shared my ups and downs with for the past three years was leaving.


She asked me to come over yesterday while the movers were there, and, duh.

I hoped if I pouted enough, she wouldn’t leave, but that didn’t happen.


Laura and I walked them out to this mean car that whisked them away to the airport, and we all shared an incredibly emotional goodbye on the street.

I’ve told her multiple times that I think Geneva is silly (because duh, it’s not here, where I am) but, in reality, I’m really excited for her and Bo and proud of them for taking a huge risk to uproot their lives and start over thousands of miles away in new countries and I know they will be just fine over there! And I’m still only a gchat away.

BRB, going to go cry more into my coffee.

17 comments on “Making Lifelong Friends…On the Internet

  1. Dori

    Aww this was really sweet. I’ve made some great friends through Twitter/blogging too, it’s really amazing for meeting people with similar interests.

  2. Maria @ Pappa Don't Preach

    Aw, this is so sad but wonderful at the same time. It’s not easy to find real/true friends in your life so when you do, you should count your blessings. While there will be more of a distance between the two of you, you have what brought you together – the internet!

  3. Fiona @ Get Fit Fiona

    I know how tough it is to have good friends move. A friend of mine is moving next month (though it’s only three hours away – not an ocean away), but I know I’m going to miss her so much.

  4. Alice

    Hi Theodora, I’m just wondering if you no longer are working at your full-time job. It looks like that on linkedin and I have also admired you for your dedication to training while working, but it seems that’s no longer the case?

    1. Theodora Post author

      Thanks! I’m currently freelancing but am also actively looking to get back to a more traditional job.

  5. Miller

    It is always tough when a friend is leaving. At least you can take joy in knowing she is starting her own new adventure. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. meghan @ little girl in the big world

    It’s amazing how big of a role the internet has had in creating friendships and relationships in so many of our lives. I was just thinking about it the other day and how thankful I am for twitter and blogging and the connections I’ve made it Tampa and in other cities with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Sorry she’s moving away, but that’s the beauty of the internet too! You can still gchat her all the time!


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