Philly RNR Half: MGP or Bust.

I’ve had a really good week. Lots of meetings with lots of really talented people, a good week of running (I hated Jess after a tough will workout the other day) and tomorrow, I leave for Philly.

I’m running the Philly Rock ‘n’ Roll Half on Sunday, and I’m super-excited!

My cousin Leanne lives there, so I’ve been there quite a few times. I went up to visit her a bunch when I was in college. She was seven years older than me, so therefore a “real” adult (but close enough in age that we could still have fun going out together), and I felt so cool every time I visited her.

I’ve run 14 miles there, but I’ve never run a race, so I’m really excited. I’ve heard from so many people that this was their first half, and that it’s a good fast and flat half.



I have very specific instructions for this race.

8:58 pace or bust. This is my goal marathon pace, and Jess wants me to hold it for 13.1 miles to train my legs and my brain what it feels like, so I can keep this pace for twice as long on November 3.


I’ve run a few halfs since my PR in March, but most of them have been strugglefests. I’ve finally gotten a little speed back in the past few weeks, but I’m actually a little worried about holding this pace for 13.1 right now, since I haven’t in a while. A friend asked the other day if I thought I’d be able to hold back from going too fast on Sunday. LOL, think I’ll be just fine with that.

A low of 54 and a high of 62 are predicted for when I should be out on the course (8-10am-ish), and I know lots of people running and spectating.

Bring on the running party, Philly! I’m ready.

Will I see you in Philly?? Good luck to everyone!

15 comments on “Philly RNR Half: MGP or Bust.

  1. Diana

    I’ll be there! (I’m a reader and first time commenter btw) I’m aiming for a similar pace as practice for the Chicago marathon. What coral are you in? Maybe we’ll end up running near each other!

  2. Cate

    You’ll rock Philly! I ran this race last year. I was way undertrained, so I didn’t really enjoy the experience. Ugh. You’ll do awesome. Be sure to get some soft pretzels after!

  3. Maureen

    Good luck! I’m running as well for the fourth time (once when it was still the Distance Run in 07, and again in 11 and 12). It is a fast course, but the early miles can be crowded and narrow, which can slow people down. Have a great time!

  4. Coach

    You’ve got this! It’s a great race and a great day to practice running at race pace on a flat course in cool weather. Bummed I won’t be there due to the stupid toe injury.

  5. Rachel C

    I’m running Philly. It was originally gonna be a PR attempt race but my legs & knee haven’t been feeling great so I doubt it will happen. It’s a great course & race though, I also ran it last year

  6. Jackie

    I’m running rnr tomorrow too! It’s my third time and it’s always a great time! The course takes you through a lot of nice sights. Enjoy!

  7. Ashley

    Ahhh can’t wait for your recap! I imagine by this point you are enjoying something incredibly delicious basking in your half marathon glow 🙂


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