Review: FitFriend App

The following is a sponsored review. All opinions and lame jokes are my own.

I got an email this summer from a woman and her fiancee who had quit their jobs to follow their dreams; she to run a baking business, he to develop a running/fitness iPhone app. I’m a sucker for those types of stories, and I loved emailing back and forth with them. They also recently got married!

They’ve developed an app called FitFriend, which is a dead-easy-to-use running app. Most of the time, I run with a watch, but sometimes I forget to charge my watch, so I love seeing what other apps are out there.

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Bam. Open it up, hit start. It finds GPS almost immediately.

Mike, the owner, says he developed the app to focus on the simplicity, and loosely resemble a sports watch.

The app can also be used as a simple interval timer for any kind of interval workouts.

I’ve played with the app a bunch, and my first reaction was that it didn’t automatically show me my split times. If you’ve been reading my blog for more than a hot second, you know I’m a data-obsessed runner, for better or worse.

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You can hit the split button manually, which obviously isn’t always easy, but the app integrates with RunKeeper, and your splits are all exported to your RunKeeper log. They’re also working on a DailyMile sync as well as GPX file export.

They started by releasing a $1.99 version of the app, but have also released a free version. The free version only allows 3 logs, 3 splits for each log and no RunKeeper sync or GPX export.

Their goal is to make this app the “simplest and fastest” tool used for training, and by releasing the free version and adding in the DailyMile/RunKeeper export options, they are definitely receptive to what their customers are looking for.

You can read more about FitFriend on their website or download the app in the iTunes Store.

What do you think? Would you use an app like this? What are you looking for in a running app?

15 comments on “Review: FitFriend App

    1. Mike @ FitFriend

      @Holley: It’s a fine balance to strike between simple and useful. When there’s too many features it often leads to bloat, and the quality of each feature suffers…but that said, we definitely have more features on the agenda. They just have to be up to a really, really, good quality 🙂

      I’m interested in hearing all kinds of feedback, so if there’s something missing, or something overly complicated, then please don’t hold back in letting me know.

    1. Mike @ FitFriend

      @Ashley @ BrocBlog: Hi Ashley! MapMyRun is ok. It’s one of those apps that I’ve personally found as being too cluttered, but it’s web app is great for creating routes online.

      FitFriend’s way of doing splits is much different too – you can take splits whenever you want, and that’s great for your interval or hill workouts. Let me know if you have any problems with GPS too 🙂

      Being a data enthusiast you’re in luck – MapMyRun also has an API that will enable us to sync your runs! We haven’t integrated it yet but it will be in an update soon. We’d encourage you to use FitFriend to train with, then MapMyRun, RunKeeper, or DailyMile to analyse the data after the run.


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