My New Favorite Site:

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Vitacost.

Although 94% of the pictures you see on this site are of me in workout clothes, I’m actually a huge beauty product junkie. Ask any friend who has ever helped me move. I am a massive sucker for marketing that these products will make my life better and make me prettier. I have a hard time saying no to the Clinique and Bobbi Brown ladies.

Also, I’m not getting any younger, and Botox ain’t getting any cheaper (or is it? I don’t actually know), so I will try any cream that promises to make sure I don’t have more lines on my forehead than a sheet of composition paper.

A beauty habit seems like a reasonable one at first – I mean, a $20 cream is much more reasonable than a fancy pair of shoes – but those little luxuries add up quickly, so I try to save where I can by buying generic brands, bugging beauty editor friends for their samples or watching for promotions.

I’d never heard of Vitacost before this campaign, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to be hooked. It’s an online shopping site that is focused on healthy living. UM, YES. And the site’s prices are amazing.

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They sent me a few products from the site to try out: Hydrating Night Creme, Jason Lavender Body Wash, Argan Oil, J.R. Watkins Rejuvenating Peppermint Foot Cream and Desert Essence Lip Rescue with Shea Butter . The prices are great, too. I’ve used Moroccan Oil before and paid $20+; this argan oil retails for less than $10.

As a pet owner, I try to look for cruelty-free products, and Vitacost has a huge section of cruelty-free products.

The site also has lots of sports nutrition and fitness products – including Gus, Honey Stingers and other gels. If you’re a protein powder person, they have tons of those, too. Weirdly, they have tons of New Chapter Organics products, but not the probiotic I take. The stuff they do have, though, is all 40% less than regular retail price.

I’m pretty sure that I legit will be using this site in the future for all kinds of healthy products, eliminating going to lots of different stores for gels, beauty products and protein powders.

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They also have a referral program, so if you sign up through this link, we both get $10 off.

What’s your favorite site to buy healthy products from? And what’s your favorite beauty product?

5 comments on “My New Favorite Site:

  1. meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles

    You can be sure I will be using this coupon! Thank you! I love my beauty products and over the last several months, I have switched most of my regimen to the more natural, preservative free, organic when possible and most hypoallergenic brands that I can get my hands on. Not only was I suffering from make up allergies, through my research I learned that most of the brands I was using had harmful ingredients in them that no one should use. Can’t wait to explore this site.

  2. Becky @ Olives n Wine

    How did you like the hydrating night cream? I’ve been looking for one – my skin gets SO dry in the winter months and I actually looked in the mirror this morning and am pretty sure 5 new wrinkles appeared šŸ˜‰ I’d love to try it out if you think it’s worth it!

  3. Dawn

    My favorite product right now is Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+ (whew, what a name) – I got it as a sample and it is SO moisturizing without being greasy! It’s exactly what I needed for this winter.


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