31: Perspective

A few months ago, I signed up for a spring race, and it asked for my age on race day.

I was so tempted to fill in 30, in total denial that I was turning 31. 31 sounds SO much older than 30. As I’ve been joking for the past few weeks, 31 is in your 30s. 30 is basically just an extension of your late 20s, right?

I was supposed to have my whole life figured out by 31. Two kids, husband, dog, house a very short commuting distance from the city, great job where I wear heels to work everyday.

Well, I have a dog, and I have a great job. I am too lazy to wear heels regularly because I like to walk a lot and walking a lot and heels don’t mesh and lord knows I carry enough in my bag everyday.

I had the chance to hear Lauren Book talk last night at Junior League. She was sexually abused as a child, and has made it her mission to prevent abuse through awareness and education through her foundation. Her father, Ron Book, a prominent Florida lobbyist, has worked to lobby Florida lawmakers for stronger laws to prevent sexual abuse, and Lauren will be walking across the state of Florida in March and April to raise money and awareness to end sexual abuse. 

I was certainly moved after hearing their talk. On the subway home, I thought about Lauren, I thought about friends who are dealing with sick loved ones right now and my own father recovering from knee replacement surgery, and I was so grateful for everything I have.

For parents who adopted a little girl 31 years ago, and have gone so above and beyond ever since. For wonderful friends, including one sweet one whose texts from Geneva made me tear up this morning. For my health, which allowed me to HIIT it this morning at Uplift. (Good lord is that class difficult.) For all of you wonderful Internet people who have already showered me with birthday wishes. For the best coworkers in the world, and I job I love. I have a lot more than I don’t, and I’m incredibly lucky for that. 

2014 has already started off far better than 2013, and I have a feeling 31 will be much better than 30 was. 

But I don’t officially turn 31 until 6:15pm, so I’m going to enjoy the last few hours of being 30! 

18 comments on “31: Perspective

  1. Betsy

    This might be the best birthday post I’ve ever seen. It’s so easy to focus on the things you don’t have or the difficult aspects of life, it’s always a wake up call when someone you know deals with something so difficult. I hope you have a fantastic, relaxing birthday!

  2. Cheri @ Overactive Blogger

    I really feel like the best way to approach age is to kinda like not have any expectations for it. I’m 26, getting married, with a dog and two cats. I never thought it a million years that I’d be here, and I think it’s cause I really live like smaller goal to smaller goal. And I feel really ageless because of it. I got 18 at Whole Foods last week! 🙂

  3. Dori

    “As I’ve been joking for the past few weeks, 31 is in your 30s. 30 is basically just an extension of your late 20s, right?” – This is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying. It’s what’s making me feel upset about a birthday for the first time ever.

    But I love this post. Perfectly stated. Happy birthday!!!!

  4. Emily

    Happy Birthday! I wrote a similar birthday post yesterday (my birthday was Sunday). I’m grateful for all the things in my life, even if it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. We should get together sometime – I’m in NYC, I run, I’m in NYJL. 🙂 And from someone two more years into her 30s – it isn’t so bad!

  5. Amy

    Happy Birthday! the 30s are great, even if you don’t have it all figured out by 31. I know. I didn’t get married until 37, was in grad school for most of my 30s and now I have my dream job, a wonderful husband and beautiful 1 year old twins! Good things are worth the wait. I am sure everything will fall in place for you at exactly the right time.


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