Behind the Scenes: #PropelFit Workouts


Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Propel. I was compensated and all opinions are 100% my own.


(More on how I became an ambassador and the first behind-the-scenes look at the shoot and …the second.)


Before heading out to LA, I tried to get in #alltheworkouts. I wanted to be strong and feel confident by the time I got out there.

Presley took a day or so off/at a lower intensity before heading west.

I’ll let you guess who was smarter.

I knew we’d have workouts out there but I wasn’t quite sure what was in store for us.

As it turns out…the first day, we did some running. Thank you for putting me in my comfort zone immediately, Propel.

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We probably only ran two miles, but given the time change, travel, jet lag, elevation, it felt like a marathon. But it was freaking gorgeous. I understand why Californians are so active.

We went back and recovered with breakfast and pool time before starting on our shoot for the day.

Our next workout was on a spin bike. Lee and I set up the shot, while the other ambassadors worked out with our trainer on set for the day.

We then sat on that spin bike for a very, very long time. We actually spun for about 30-45 minutes and then moved our legs slowly for another hour or so.


After this, we shot one of my ads for the next…2? 3? hours. This involved me standing in one spot for that whole time. For someone who sits 9-10 hours a day at work, standing for a long period of time (especially after those workouts!) wasn’t easy.

Day 2

I so badly wanted to try out one of Mary’s SoulCycle classes, but alas, we had no free time. Off to the Burbank Athletic Club it was!

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As you know, I don’t really do much with weights on my own. I’m a total group fitness junkie, and I occasionally work out with a trainer, but I’m more of a running kind of girl. So we walked into the gym, and I just wanted someone to tell me what to do.


Thank you, Lee, for being that person.

Lee and Dai both took us through a few fun workout challenges, and we had a trainer on-set who took us through several circuits.


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This kind sir was also charged with getting us to work up a sweat for our shots.

He started putting me through a circuit indoors, and saw I’m not a sweaty person

Okay, let’s go outside, he said.

He had me sprinting up and down the sidewalk.

Nope, I’m a runner, buddy. This ain’t doing much. I started frog jumping…and that started breaking a sweat.

Saturday’s day of workouts was fun because it was adult playtime all day long. I never got in a full workout session (because I also felt self-conscious just hopping on a machine for some cardio with all of those people around) but I definitely got in a workout through several 10-minute or so sessions, and it was really fun to learn from the trainer as well as Lee/Dai, who are both instructors/coaches back home.

Sunday was a definite rest day for me, and that was GLORIOUS. My workouts from earlier that week and the ones I did out there had definitely caught up with me.

We all are Propel ambassadors because we share a common love for fitness, but it’s really interesting to see how that’s different with each of us. Some of us are definite runners, some are definite lifters, some are definite yogis. But we all share this passion for exercise and fun and living a better life.

So, I know you want more behind-the-scenes dish on all this, right? Well, my ambassador buddies and I will be chatting tonight on Twitter at 9pm with FitFluential and Propel, and we’d love for you to join us. 9pm, #propelfit. Join me, Bailey and my grape Propel.

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