California, Here We Come!

(Dori, did I get that song stuck in your head?)

So, TOMORROW I leave for LA for my Propel Ambassador photo shoot. 

WHOA. Whoa. 


I had my last workout with Leanne this morning. We did 100s: 1 set of 20 dumbbell push-up rows, 1 set of weighted squats, 1 set of shoulder presses, 1 set of deadlifts and 1 set of rows—three times through. She also threw in stair runs, RUNNING BACKWARDS ON THE TREADMILL, running pushing the treadmill belt with no power on (so, like a Woodway, but not), towel exercises and a whole bunch of core work. Dying, dead. I don’t even know how I lifted my phone to take a selfie.

I went to work and set at demolishing my to-do list with the biggest cup of coffee I could find. After work, I ran some errands (including a super-quick polish change because god forbid I go out to California for this photoshoot with chipped nails), came home to do some more work work and Junior League work, and now here we are!

Rare is it that I actually lay my stuff out on the bed, but it’s also pretty rare that I do a photoshoot, SO I thought it was worth it to lay things out both for myself and you.

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Maybe most important? My electronics: Garmin, iPad mini, GoPro (they sent us this and I CANNOT wait to try it out) and my unpictured MacBook AirCanon Rebel and Mophie. AND OH, I actually get to wear sunglasses. So that’s fun. I legit had no idea where mine were since this winter has sucked so much.

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Next most important: workout clothes and jammies. They sent us some branded Propel gear to wear.  Luckily, it’s New Balance, so it fits me well. I also brought several pairs of capris and my favorite running skirt. And obviously I’m going to rep DailyBurn on the flight out there tomorrow. (And maybe back? There’s allegedly laundry at the house.)(Yes, house. We’re staying Real World Propel Style in Beverly Hills.)

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My two favorite sports bras: New Balance and Lorna Jane. I love the Lorna Jane one because I can wear it for working out or when I just don’t feel like underwire digging into me for hours. 

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Meh, and a few regular dresses. Shockingly only one of those is Lilly. And obviously I won’t go anywhere warm without my Jack Rogers.

I still have to add in my beauty products and my socks and sneakers (which are at work), but that’s about it.

At this time tomorrow night, I’ll be hanging out in Beverly Hills with my fellow ambassadors. I cannot freaking wait, and I’m going to try really hard to savor every moment of this crazy upcoming weekend.

Any last minute photoshoot (or life) advice for me?? 

30 comments on “California, Here We Come!

    1. Theodora

      @Ash bear: For once, I’m not rushing a thing. I am excited for this AND excited to see you but going to savor every freaking second of this.

  1. Dori

    SO when I glanced at this post in my reader at 5:20 am and saw a snippet and saw my name, my first thought was “Theodora must have used a code that plugs in the name of whoever is reading.” That is how out of it I was because that makes absolutely no sense. Haha. Anyway the song stuck in my head thanks to you is actually “California Love.” Cannot get it our of my head.

  2. Patty @ Reach Your Peak

    Ahh so jealous! I have been to Cali but to san francisco…next I’d like to go to SoCal.
    I have been debating on the Jack Rogers…are they comfortable? Or only comfortable once they are worn in?
    Have fun!

  3. Cate

    Have fun and enjoy the sunshine! Good thing you just missed the rainy weather they had. Also, it will be super warm here (like 50s), so you’re basically missing summer on the East Coast! 🙂 Safe travels and can’t wait to read your recaps!

  4. Kristine

    YAY!! Just shoot yourself up to San Francisco when you’re done in LA! And naturally you’d live in your Jack Rogers in warm weather. I’m so attached to mine it’s comical. I about lose it when JR is on Gilt or Rue La La and stock up. Have the BEST time!

  5. Kayla

    HAVE FUN! Enjoy Los Angeles.. It’s my absolutely favorite place to visit (and I’m actually heading there next week!). Hit up Runyon Cannon if you get a chance

  6. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    So excited for you! I was trying to meet up with LEE… Since I live in West Hollywood – and I would love to meet up with you too this weekend, but i fear you all might be too busy modeling 🙂 STRIKE A POSE!! — I think you will be just fine with this photo shoot, it’s lifestyle, so you’ll just have to pose like you would naturally do so! 🙂 Cannot wait to hear how it all goes!

  7. Calorie Warrior

    I just got back from LA on 3/5. Hopefully the weather is better for you than it was for me. It rained almost the entire trip and I couldn’t do any of the hiking I was looking forward too =( Just my luck the last day of my visit was 70 and sunny!

  8. Jan @ Sprouts n Squats

    I need to get way better at packing! You are super organised, I hope you have a great time.

    No advice about your photoshoot as I’ve never done one but whenever I do get my picture taken I always try and make sure not to have a double chin but sometimes fail miserably!

    Just found your blog by the way thanks to Becky at Olives n Wine 🙂


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