Redeye? What Redeye?

I skipped a week-in-review kinda post last week because it would have been: I worked out really freaking hard, burned the candle at both ends finishing work so I could take Friday off and then did a photo shoot.

I would have loved for last week to be: sit on my couch all damn week after work, but Ashley and Laura were both back in town, so I pretended like i hadn’t just flown back on a redeye from a photo shoot after a few hectic weeks and hung out every night.

I started the workout week slow, but as you’ll see, I got my groove back later in the week.

Monday: Fly back from LA, sleep with head folded over tray table, wake up with major kinks in neck. Drop stuff at home, take 2-minute shower, go to work, very thankful for a top knot. Work until 8, blog and pass the eff out.


Tuesday: Slept in until 8:30 and wake up feeling slightly normal. Leave work, go on quick 3-miler as it’s a gorgeous day. Meet up with Ashley and friends at Agave. After tacos and margaritas, chase that with more wine…and late-night pizza.

Wednesday: Wake up feeling remarkably okay, save for a slightly upset stomach.


Run over to Sweetgreen to see Gina and Julie, who are in town for Reebok event. 

Skip team workout at work in favor of leaving a bit early to make it to a Well + Good yoga event with Ashley at I Am You. The elevator there is ridiculously confusing (according to Yelp, I’m not the only one with that issue), so I don’t get in…and go next door to Umberto’s to wait as it’s raining and I do not want to want to walk a step further. I sat down frustrated but after some people-watching (and wine, obviously), I leave in a better mood an hour later when Ashley shows up. We went to Corkbuzz, where I had some Brussels and rabbit. The rabbit, remarkably, does not taste like chicken. (It tastes something like a slightly richer duck to me.)

Thursday: I am seriously dragging by this point. For me, sleeping in later doesn’t help much if I’m not in bed by a certain time, and I was up way too many nights past my bedtime. I’m not doing unlimited Uplift this month, but I couldn’t resist booking a Sculpt Fusion class with Chelsea. I was still sore and creaky as hell from my flight and a little cranky, so I needed a big shot of zen and stretch. AS ALWAYS, Chelsea delivered. Probably went to sleep with a smile on my face because I was so happy to not have any further plans that night.

Friday: We got chicken and waffles at work for lunch, and I spent the entire rest of the day incredibly sick to my stomach, save for ducking out for a run with my coworkers. How I held things together for 3 miles, I have no idea. I tried not to let on to my coworkers how excited I was, but I was ALL-CAPS EXCITED to run! during the day! in nice weather! with my coworkers! who are training for their first halfs!

Spent several hours laying on my couch with a stomachache, and finally got it together to go meet Laura and her new man for a few drinks near me. 



Will run for juice. As always, best way to start my Saturday. 


Got a super-quick mani with Laura (St. Patrick’s Day themed)(speaking of, read this article I wrote for work about healthy St. Patrick’s Day recipes. I had so much fun writing it.)

And then headed home to NJ for the night for my cousin’s 50th birthday. TOOK A 2-HOUR NAP before going out. 


MUFFIN. She is almost 3 now and cuter than ever. (Yes, the top knot is most definitely my new thing after I was told it made me look 22.)



Tried this new spin studio near my parents this morning. Review TK soon! 

Got a massage at a new spa also near my parents. (Franklin Lakes is becoming quite the hotspot?)

Came back to the city and stopped by Birerria to cheers with some runner friends who ran the half today, and then have been working on real-work, Junior League work and blog-work all night.

I’m really trying hard to lighten up my calendar a bit this week…but we’ll see! 

What were the highlights of your week?

6 comments on “Redeye? What Redeye?

  1. Meredith

    Highlight was running my first sub-2:00 half marathon (yeah, NYCHalf!) AND finding your race recaps on your blog this week! Your 2013 NYC Marathon Race Recap (kick-ass race, btw) is really motivational! Looking forward to reading more 🙂

  2. Kristine

    MASSAGE! That is the… 2nd thing I’m doing when I get home from Austin. Every muscle in my body hurts. My highlights last week were 2 Soul Cycle classes (good bye $60) and some solid runs in SF and Austin. I also got some serious puppy time with my favorite Golden Retriever before I left that also came with a glass or 2 of Rombauer Chardonnay so I’m feeling pretty good about things 🙂

    PS – We must go to Agave when I’m in town. You had me at guac and margs.

  3. Ashley

    The highlights of this week for me were definitely being able to get outdoors again for runs. It’s amazing what the fresh air does for the soul!


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