A Night at Carnegie Hall

The other day, I got a text from my friend Daria.

“Do you want to go to the Manhattan Pops at Carnegie Hall on Friday night?”

I had a million reasons to say no: what if I was tired after work and just wanted to go home and get in bed? I was leaving for DC the next morning, maybe I should just go home and pack. 31 is really cool, you guys.

But as much as I love this city to death, I feel like I haven’t been taking enough advantage of it lately. I get so wrapped up in my running-fitness-Junior League-friends-blogging world and don’t take advantage enough of things beyond fitness, bars and restaurants, and Junior League charity events.

So I said yes to Daria, and I’m so glad I did.

My evening started with a margarita at work. Someone had strawberries that were about to go bad, so obviously they needed to be combined with some tequila.


Nothing like finishing your work for the week with a little tequila coursing through your blood. 

Daria and I met up for another beverage and headed up to Carnegie Hall.

She’d found seats for less than $30 each, and they were pretty good! They were “obstructed view” but we were there to hear music, not see a play or a ballet, so that was just fine.

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The theme of the evening was music from films. Think about it: music makes a movie. It’s what makes you feel suspense, sadness, happiness. Think of Titanic without My Heart Will Go On. Not quite the same, right? 

We heard music from Forrest Gump, Up (tried so hard to hold it together), Apollo 13, quite a few other films I hadn’t seen…and it ended with music from the Wizard of Oz. Even with the films I hadn’t seen, I could feel the drama or the happiness through the music. 



I need to start carrying a real camera, not my iPhone, again.

There was a flyer in our Playbill about upcoming performances, and they had a series of 5 shows starting at $150, which sounded really reasonable. I’m not sure I’d be able to commit to all those shows BUT they have a Beatles show and a Frank Sinatra show, which I really want to go to. 

Favorite culture-y thing to do?

4 comments on “A Night at Carnegie Hall

  1. meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles

    I often feel the same way- like I don’t take advantage of everything the city has to offer because I am so used to living here and get busy with everything else going on. Now that it is getting warmer again, I make sure to plan lunches, dinners and all sorts of walking around the city with my son so that he can appreciate growing up in New York and realize that people travel here from all over the world. Hard thing to grasp when you are born here.


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