The other day, I said I was all fired up and ready to make some changes.
When I first lost weight, I lifted a lot. I worked out with a trainer…and that’s basically what you do with trainers. Lifting heavy is amazing for losing weight and changing your body.
And then I got hooked on running.
I still love running, but I’m feeling a little soft. (It’s not the running, it’s me.)
Exhibit A.
When I decide I want to do something, I DO SOMETHING.
I’ve heard so much about CrossFit over the years, and seen how it’s changed so many people’s bodies and lives.
(I’ve also seen how it’s made some people SUPER douchey, but that’s neither here nor there.)
I don’t intend on becoming a huge CrossFit d-bag (c’mon, we all know the types), but I’m going to give it a try for a few months and learn some more about lifting, etc.
I’ve already signed up for my first month and taken two out of the required six Elements classes that you need to take before they let you take real-people CrossFit classes. These Elements classes teach you the basics of CrossFit so you know what you’re getting into when you take those real-people classes.
Ok fine, post CrossFit selfie. Step 1 to ultimate d-baggery.
I PROMISE this won’t become a CrossFit blog because I’ve read enough blogs that just talked about CrossFit…and I can’t. But I’ll try to keep you looped in on this journey, and in as many real-people words as possible.
BRB, gonna go get strong this fall and then get fast this spring.
I’ve been reading your blog for ages, but have never commented before (I swear I’m not a freaky stalker!).
I’d love to hear more about crossfit!
Also, after you’ve gone a few times is love to know your opinion of cross fit v personal training.
I’ve only been twice, so my opinions may change – but the elements classes are really small, like 4-6 people, so there’s lots of personal attention to form, etc.
I loooove crossfit, I hope you enjoy it!
Yay! let us know how it goes! I’m a big lifter, so crossfit is a win for me!
I’m not a crossfitter (and I totally get what you said about “the type”) but I DO belong to the cult of the heavy weights, so I’m excited to hear about your experiences!
hahaha very funny and love the Cross Fit jokes already. I am just like you, I have an idea and I run with it, or in your case bench with it. Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I know its sort of wimpy but part of my aversion is to Cross Fit is the studios always seem…not nice. No windows, dark floors etc. How is yours?
totally know those crossfit d-bags. I totally want to try it, but it makes me nervous of the persona of it all
I’d love to know your honest opinion about Crossfit early on. I’ve wanted to try it, but the “I drank the Crossfit kool-aid” opinions turn me off to it becuase they don’t compare it to other forms of weight lifting/work outs.
You are going to LOVE crossfit! I have been doing it for about 2 years and can’t believe I waited so long to join. I belonged to gyms and took classes religiously. However, never did I feel the “group motivation” that I feel in a CF class. It doesn’t matter what “level” you are at, Each person is working to their own edge. The guy dead lifting 300 lbs feels exactly the same way you do, dead lifting 150 lbs. You cheer each other on and boy… is it motivating! My only advice is not to get caught up in the numbers! Have fun with it!!
I have tried CF at an introductory class at a local box. It was a very solid workout where you engage all muscles. I found it a supportive community, but I know a few CF douchebags.
I totally agree with you about the weightlifting! Once i started lifting heavy freeweights at home, the pounds started to shed.. and it really empowered me too. looking forward to hearing how you enjoy crossfit
This post made me laugh because I can’t stand CrossFit blogs and felt a bit worried. Then I read the line about the fact that you’ve read CrossFit blogs and…you can’t. Hahahhaa, I can’t either. I hope you enjoy switching up your routine though! It’s always great to try something new.
I think you’ll love it! It’s an awesome way to get strong and also boost endurance. Can’t wait to read updates!
I’m a CrossFit d-bag and proud of it! Ha ha , just kind of kidding I think. I am looking forward to hearing how you lik it. Obviously, I’m obsessed 
Hi! I never comment but I think you’re totally hilarious and thought I’d offer my two cents today. I’ve been lifting since I was 15 (13 years now) but I played college tennis (which I know you love!). I’ve had tons of amazing lifting coaches and tons of ex-pro athletes. Without saying anything negative about crossfit, I’d check out their philosophy about why we exercise and the long-term programming of workouts parallels what I’ve experienced in the past. And the results are awesome. About$100 for a year. Really worth checking out
I actually have heard great things about GPP, but another part of the reason I’m doing CrossFit / have done group fitness for lifting in the past is that lifting isn’t interesting enough to me for me to be motivated to do it on my own without dreading it every single time.
As a personal trainer I have mixed feelings about cross fit. But I appreciate that you’re trying it with the right attitude and expectations. I look forward to learning more about your cross-fit experience. Good luck!
Ariana Dane
I know, and I know a lot of trainers do. Reading a lot about fitness/working in the fitness industry, I certainly know the drawbacks as well as the advantages to it, and am certainly going into it cautiously.
Have FUN!!! Believe me-lifting weights will become as addicting as running. It is so empowering. It changed my mind set completely: rather than focus on what my body looks like, I began to focus on what my body can do. It shifts your body image and you begin to appreciate your body. This body loving stuff can also evolve into douchery too.
there are plenty of those in crossfit, but I might add that there are plenty of those types in all fitness genres. I have come across some real tools in the park running. Short story-I had run 10 miles for the first time ever in my life and asked a runner in Central Park to take my pic to commemorate the moment. She have me the look from hell and then sighed and said, “fine.” I looked at her back, shook my head and said, “never mind!” I’ll never forget that-I was on such a high and then she reacted to that accomplishment like that. Anyways….I guess the moral is the fitness douches are everywhere. Don’t let that sway you from the barbells and talking about your experience! Can’t wait to hear about your new journey!
You’re right
There’s douches in all kinds of fitness, and all walks of life. And congrats on your running 10!