The Instagram Accounts That Keep Me Laughing

Hello, my name is Theodora, and I am addicted to Instagram.

This week, I’ve attended a bunch of Social Media Week panels, and one of the panelists remarked that we were lucky to work in a fun, creative industry that’s constantly changing. THANK YOU Facebook algorithm, for keeping me on my toes, always.

But while other people have to furtively sneak glances at social media at work, I get paid to look at it and see what other people and brands are doing on the various platforms. 

But this isn’t about that at all. (If you are looking for fitness inspiration on Instagram, we’ve written about that at work.)

This is about the Instagrams that entertain the hell out of me. ALSO, if you are ever feeling sad, just look at ANY dog-related hashtag on Instagram and try not to smile.

.A Place to Love Dogs


But there are also a few freaking hilarious ones that I can’t NOT double tap on.

1. @thefatjewish



A photo posted by thefatjewish (@thefatjewish) onFeb 26, 2015 at 9:16am PST

Everything he posts is just freaking hilarious.

2. @katethewasp


Anyone else? #NationalDrinkWineDay

A photo posted by Kate Hendricks (@katethewasp) onFeb 18, 2015 at 3:27pm PST

I have found my spirit animal, and she is on Instagram. My friend Meredith introduced me to this feed before we left for Puerto Rico, and it has changed my Instagram life.

3. @richdogsofIG



fast and furrious 🐶 #rich #dog #rdoi #luxury #woof #doggy #richdogsofinstagram #mercedes #benz #car #swag

A photo posted by Rich Dogs Of Instagram (@richdogsofig) onFeb 25, 2015 at 4:34pm PST

These dogs have more money than you.

4. @tindernightmares



A photo posted by Tinder Nightmares (@tindernightmares) onFeb 4, 2015 at 11:00am PST


5. @heybaxter



A photo posted by Baxter (@heybaxter) onFeb 23, 2015 at 6:53am PST

My coworker Amanda’s dog’s Instagram. Bax straight up kills it.

What are your favorite Instagrams?

18 comments on “The Instagram Accounts That Keep Me Laughing

  1. Meghan

    I need to shill for Fomonomo, and not just because it’s my fiance’s project.

    Ever get tired of scrolling through your Instagram feed to see photos of people enjoying a tropical vacation, or eating delicious food, or generally having more fun than you’re having? Fomonomo is the antidote. Only photos of mundane, everyday stuff (or worse—stuff you’re actively glad you’re NOT doing).

    It made Buzzfeed once:

  2. elizabeth e

    I want to say thanks for introducing me to KatetheWasp. She may be my spirit animal.

    I want to also second the rec for Skellie — OMGLiterallyDead is one of my faves. LateNightSeth and Amy Schumer are also fun celebs to follow. (I can’t wait for Amy’s movie with Bill Hader to come out this summer, so I may be a bit biased).

  3. Jillian

    I gave up Instagram for Lent… I’m a little lost without it (maybe that’s the point!)… BUT, I love @womenIRL and also Mindy Kaling and Chrissie Teigen!

  4. Joan

    My friend April’s cat, Murphy, is adorbz at @murphyacat. Also, if you like yoga, @laurasykora, who you might have mentioned before (?) is awesome.


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