St. Patrick’s Day Green Almond Breeze Smoothie

This post is sponsored by Almond Breeze Almond Milk.

^^  You’ve read above that this post is a sponsored one. As my day job gets more demanding and I choose to balance my nights with fun and relaxation instead of adding more responsibility through blogging or volunteer work, I am much more picky about the brands I choose to work with. As someone who is largely dairy-free (save for great cheese), I usually have a container of Almond Breeze in my fridge, so this is always a natural partnership.

You guys know I rarely do recipes, but in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, one of my favorite holidays, I put together a smoothie recipe for you guys based on my favorite smoothie from Terri, a vegan shop next to my gym.

Green Power Smoothie

Green Power Smoothie

I love green things every day, but especially on St. Patrick’s Day! I tend to need some solid food, like a piece of toast, on the side of my smoothie, so I prefer to keep my smoothie slightly lower in calories to make up for its sidekick.


– 1/2 cup Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

– 1/2 cup ice

– 1/2 pear

– 1/2 banana

– 1 big handful of kale

– 1 tablespoon almond butter


Blend away! 

Green Power Smoothie

My pint glass is from the NYC Tri. I much prefer a green smoothie mustache to a Hudson River one!

What green foods did you celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with? 

4 comments on “St. Patrick’s Day Green Almond Breeze Smoothie

  1. Vicky

    I shredded a couple zucchinis, diced up a couple spring onions, mixed in a couple eggs and a couple tablespoons of almond flour and made green fritters. Topped them with grated Manchego. (since you aren’t dairy friendly, have you tried goat and/or sheep’s milk cheeses? Both are easier to digest, and you can find more and more “normal” varieties of cheese made with goat milk these days)

    And of course a glass of wine. 🙂


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