The World Is Laughing At Me

You guys, the world is laughing at me.

Yesterday, I wrote about having to get my act (mostly my diet) in gear.

Today, friends sent me these articles:


1. Loosen Your Belt for Turned Up Tex-Mex At Gramcery’s Javelina


2. Opening Alert: San Antonio Chef Jesse Perez Starts Rolling Burritos at Oxido

TWO NEW MEXICAN SPOTS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD, GUYS. (And yes, all my ads are for digital marketing/social media/fitness/Lilly Pulitzer. That is all.)

Life is telling me it just wants me to eat tacos and be happy. WHO AM I TO ARGUE?



Maybe one day I’ll run a different marathon, but my hometown marathon still means so much to me, and I’m going to go the charity route this year. Running has given so much back to me; I’m going to use running to give back to the community. I have a charity in mind (and backups!), I’m just waiting for confirmation.


16 comments on “The World Is Laughing At Me

  1. Ash Diamond

    Hey there is still room in the healthy eating for Mexican! It’s about moderation and enjoying on the weekends. 🙂 I also didn’t get in and right now I’m taking that as a sign that I need to just focus on other things. If an opportunity arises, awesome, but for now it’s all about the half/halves!

  2. Katie

    Killer!!! I’ll try not to insta too many margs and tacos once I get to mexico this weekend (that’s a lie…but I have committed to not only my usual morning run, but also a midday walk on the beach each day).

    As for NY…I didn’t register, I just didn’t get into the Grandma’s Half marathon lottery so now I need to decide if my body can do 26.2 for the second time. My knee is irritated now, still recovering from Disney, but I can’t imagine not racing in the half or full as I’ve done the Grandma’s race weekend the last 4 years. If I did this 26.2 and it went well I would probably register for the lottery for next year.

  3. Gianna @ Run, Lift, Repeat

    I feel your pain! I ran NYCM both times with charity and I think it is a great experience, you are out there for more than yourself. It makes the marathon a whole different experience. This is my year of no marathon and so far I have stuck to my guns! I need a break from 26.2.

  4. Dori

    Didn’t get in either. I know it is for the best because of my nagging injury, but it still kinda sucks. I’m doing 9+1 this year. Charity is a great way to do it, that’s how I ran NYCM last year and it is definitely more rewarding and meaningful when you cross that finish line.

  5. Ange @ Cowgirl Runs

    I knew even if I did get it, I wouldn’t be able to afford the trip this year, so I held off on the lottery. I’m hopeful one year soon I’ll be able to go! I’ll try the lottery route, but if that doesn’t work out, I’ll probably go with a travel partner since the charity isn’t so great for International runners. One day!!

  6. Nicole

    Love that you’re doing the charity route!! I did 9+1 so I am in this year. I might need to defer b/c of my ankle but I freaking love the NYC marathon. Happy training!!!

  7. cely

    I GOT IN!!!!!
    I’m so exited! I tought that I didn’t have a chance! It will be my first time in New York City! I really don’t have a lot of money right now so my boyfriend and I will do it as cheap as possible. I am so exited! Please tell us everything about your training and the race logistic. It’s also kind of silly but I’m exited to do such a big marathon because my training will be at the same time then a few bloggers so it will be cool to compare training and to support each others! Do you mind if I ask you a few questions. Like what is the starting time? What is the best way to get to the starting point? I will arrive friday afternoon and leave monday. What are the New York sights that are a must? Any good recommandation for cheap and delicious food? I’m from Quebec, Canada so this is all very intimidating. Thank you so much!


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