Weekly Workouts: March 30 – April 5

Back on the weekly workout log bandwagon. I like these to hold myself accountable, and I like reading others’ logs, so maybe one or two of you also like these.

March 30 – April 5

Monday: Rest day. One of our DailyBurn trainers, Anja‘s favorite lines is “don’t miss a Monday.” Welp, after a long wedding weekend, I was exhausted and decided to miss a Monday. I regret nothing.

Tuesday: 6-mile run date with my friend Alyssa. She had to be at Uplift to teach at 8:30, so we met at 6:45. I don’t have to be at work until 10, but I rarely never mind meeting a friend for some miles.

Wednesday: 30 minute swim. I wanted to mix things up a little bit, and I’ll be canceling my NYHRC membership for the time being, so I wanted to take advantage of the super-convenient pool.

Thursday: I was SUPPOSED to take Hallie’s Soul Cycle class but I had an incident with a latte and was sick all day.

StitchFix Photo Shoot

^ Theodora runs on Dunkin’.

Friday: NBD, I taped a segment for StitchFix on Friday morning. Before I got to work, I had GlamSquad (if you use that link, we BOTH get a $20 credit) come (with a credit I had) come to give me a blowout before the segment, THEN brought Bailey to doggie day care so he wouldn’t try to steal the show, then went into work for a half day. (Yay good Friday.) With all that morning excitement, I was happy for a calming run in the afternoon, even if it ruined my blowout. FYI, the segment is supposed to be Wednesday morning at 10am on local NYC CBS.

West Side Highway Running Path

Saturday: I was determined to get my “long” run (6 miles) in before brunch with my college roomie, Jen, and so I cut my Friday night short…but not before having a tequila shot the bartender sent over and some late-night pizza. Which are clearly A+ fueling sources for a long run. The temperature and the sun were nice, but it was REALLY windy out. Whatever, got it done.

Sunday: Sometimes it’s hard for me to motivate to work out when I’m at my parents’ house (which I was, for Easter.) It’s so nice to loll around in my jammies and drink coffee…but we had brunch reservations at 11, and I knew a workout wasn’t happening post-brunch, so I fired up one of our DailyBurn workouts, Triplet Ladder. The workout is just three moves: a dumbbell snatch, hand-release push-up, and tuck jump. You start with one rep of each exercise and then build up to as many reps as you can; I got to 10 within the 15 minutes of the workout. (The entire workout is 29 minutes, but the meat of the workout is just 15.)

Decent week for my last pre-training week before Brooklyn. Let’s do this.

How was your week of workouts last week? Favorite workout?

6 comments on “Weekly Workouts: March 30 – April 5

  1. Shawna

    i had an uhmayzinggg run along the Hudson last night — one of those where everything just aligns. new sneaks, beautiful evening, cute running partner, just felt awesome. loved seeing so many people out enjoying this first taste of NYC Spring!

  2. Nicole

    Argh, running! I cant do it, as much as I like the idea of it. Im more of a weights girl myself. On that note, has anyone tried the Lift Weights Faster program? Im pretty impressed with it so far, especially as an alternative to ‘regular’ cardio ( no offense to you runners out there). I wrote about it here if anyone wants to know more: http://healthylivingbynicole.com/WeightsNotCardio

    Good luck y’all 🙂


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