
This is my promise to not do a Thanksgiving recap for you tomorrow. Spoiler alert: I’m going to eat turkey and stuffing, just like you. (I will also have spaghetti, which maybe most people don’t do? but otherwise I will have a perfectly mundane Thanksgiving which you do not need to read about.)

Happy People Are Thankful

Instead, I’d like to talk about what I’m thankful for this year — and I want to hear what you’re thankful for, too!

We learned on Monday that my mom has ovarian cancer, and so as you’d imagine, this has been a difficult week for us, but it’s made me even more thankful for my wonderful mother and hug her a little closer this year. The next few months will undoubtedly be really hard for her and for us as a family, but her prognosis is good.

I’m thankful for our extended family who has immediately rallied to our sides.

I’m thankful for modern medicine and that my parents live close enough to NYC to have access to some of the best doctors in the world (and that it will just be a short cab ride uptown for me to see mom when she’s in the hospital)

I’m thankful as hell for supportive friends — from the friend who sends me funny memes every morning and has talked to my mom about her experience having cancer and having worked at MSK to Emily for sharing her mom’s experience and endless positivity with me.

As always, I’m thankful for my job and coworkers. I enjoy what I do, but 2+ years in, I still wonder how I hit the jackpot gaining such wonderful friends, too. Jordan was the first person I called when I found out, and Alex stayed with Bailey so I could come straight back to NJ for the night. I’m also so thankful for our DailyBurn community — our users are so dedicated, and it’s so inspiring and heart-warming. Because I can’t resist shameless DailyBurn plugs, we have an awesome full-length workout up for free all weekend this weekend to give you a taste of what we’re doing every single day, live.

This week I’ve really learned that health is so much more than marathon PRs (but hi, still gunning for one, thanks) or skinny jeans, and I’m glad that I took charge of my own physical and mental health at a young age, and that I’m in a position to spread that message to others.

And I saw someone post on Facebook today that we’re so lucky to have so much that we have an entire day just to be thankful when others have so little, and I never want to lose sight of that.

What are you thankful for today?

18 comments on “Thankful.

  1. Tracy Schwartz

    I’m so sorry to hear the news about your mom. You and our family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know the feeling all too well.

    Thankful for my family especially after this year and coming home.

  2. Melissa

    Theodora, I am so incredibly sorry to hear your news. It says a lot about your strength and character that you are able to stay so composed and thankful during this time.

  3. Sian

    It seems like every day I’m hearing about someone getting cancer… it makes me so sad, and scared, too.

    I’m glad to hear that at least her prognosis is good. Stay strong and stay positive!

  4. Tracey

    I’m a long time reader but not usually one to comment. I just wanted to reach out and wish your mom the best as she kicks cancer’s butt. I have an aunt who was just diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer and has begun her fight. Sending love, light and so much strength to you all!

  5. Toni

    I am sorry to hear About your mom. I am glad that she has access to great doctors. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer last year, not a good prognosis at all, but with the help of amazing doctors in NYC she is currently cancer free. My thoughts are with you and your family and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything!

  6. Jackie

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. Mine was diagnosed as well with ovarian cancer back in April. She was treated in NJ and finished chemo back in September, so know there is hope in any situation!

    Thoughts and prayers to your mom and your family through this all! xo

  7. Emily

    I’m so sorry to hear the news about your mom. She is so lucky to have you there to support her! When you are feeling up to it, please take a look at the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. They are an amazing charity that does great work. I ran my first marathon to raise money for them and can’t say enough good things about what they are doing to try to put an end to this disease. Sending love and light!

  8. Gianna @ Run, Lift, Repeat

    So sorry to hear about your mother, sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Wishing you all strength as she faces this.

    Health is my number one thing to be thankful for these days. After the past year with my Crohn’s battle, every day I count my blessings and have promised myself to never take health for granted.

  9. Pingback: How I’m Staying Healthy For The Holidays

  10. Joan

    Ah, there’s no other way to say it: That sucks. I’m so sorry to hear that about your mom, but I’m also so glad that the prognosis is good and that you can be there for her so easily. Huge, huge, huge hugs from PA.

  11. Pingback: A Special Christmas-y Afternoon

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