I stepped away from my Junior League responsibilities a few months ago so that I could really focus on both work and being there for my mama.
Now that things have calmed/slowed down some, I’ve started going to all of the fun stuff! A few weeks ago, the Junior League was hosting a dinner on how to make your pet an Instagram star. I realize that’s among one of the most ridiculous sentences I’ve ever written, and I’ve written a lot of ridiculous things over the years.
To be honest, the talk wasn’t entirely helpful… The woman who ran it used to work for a magazine and was able to build up her account and her clients’ accounts because of her famous contacts. So…doesn’t necessarily work for the rest of us. What was helpful was her recommendation to download the app Grama. You put in a hashtag you’re going to use, and it will suggest similar/hashtags you should use.
One of my favorite simple joys is a good dog pic on Instagram, so here’s a few of my fave accounts you should follow, too, if you like cute things.
BOO! Fun fact: did you know his mom works at Facebook?
Oh, just a little dog in a drawer.
This little dude is obviously my spirit animal.
Barkbox is my everything.
I feel you, little guy.
What are your fave pet Instagrams to follow? Tell me more!
@foxyroxy519 because she’s my baby 😉
@lord_bernard_ is the best. Hysterical!
Omg the cuteness!
@newyorkdog …. Gizmo is amazing !!
May I suggest my pup, @littlecocopop?
We also love @mochiinthecity and @azukithepoodle in Tokyo!
My own little guy is @ralphie_the_1_eyed_wonder_dog and we love @_hellomaggie and @honeyidressedthepug
I follow more dachshunds on IG than people, it’s sad, but sometimes I just need that pick me up of an adorable little weenie dog. @dachstardogs is my fav because of one of her pups, you can just search for #jonahwireween and see his adorable little mohawked face.
I’m a sheepdog enthusiast. 🙂
The BEST dog instagram is @roofusandkilo. Candace (the owner) has 6 rescues dogs and continually fosters puppies. If you are having a bad day, her insta is a guarantee pick me up. 🙂
This is the best. I am on instagram for the dogs! and yes to above roofusandkilo ! I love corgis so follow a bunch of them corgistagram I think is one!
Not a dog-specific Instagram, but dogs, mini pigs, goats, rabbits, cats, and chicks in beautiful pastel surroundings @livesweetphotography!
I love this! Just the pick me up I needed this morning. I’m not on IG, but it may be worth going just for the doggies!
Perhaps I’m biased, but Bertram loves being in front of the camera. http://Instagram.com/bertramthefrenchie