Shop For a Good Cause

As y’all know, I’ve been a big fan of StitchFix — but I know that more traditional services like StitchFix and Rent the Runway can be challenging to those above a size 12-14.

As y’all ALSO know, I’m a huge fan of the Junior League and the work that we do.

I’m ALSO a huge fan of my friend Anne, who is one badass lady, and who will be my JL “boss” next year. Anne works for Gwynnie Bee, a subscription box for women sizes 10-32, which is 75% of the market of the adult female population.

Since it’s easiest to describe startups by describing them with other startups, it’s StitchFix meets Rent the Runway, in my eyes. You’re sent a box every month of clothes that you rent/borrow. Their pricing ranges from ~$30 for one item out at a time to ~$95 out at a time, and like most subscription services, you get a 30-day free trial. You typically get 9-12 items to try, so the cost is for the items you’re hanging on to.

ALJIforGB Banner

As if that wasn’t enough…they’re currently running an amazing partnership with the Junior League — every League that gets 30 women to sign up by June 30 will get a $2000 grant to help fund the work we do to help the women and children of NYC.

So why should you sign up? Glad you asked.

1. Makes me look good to my JL peeps. That’s reason enough, no?

2. Makes Anne look good at work.

3. Because the first 30 days is free to you.

4. Because you can wear cute clothes in support of a good cause.

5. Because the company’s goal is to help more women feel empowered, and that’s pretty badass.

So, go forth and sign up!

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