Looking for a One-Way Ticket to PR City

Lately, I’ve become a little wistful for Past Theodora. The Theodora who ran faster and more often. Who PRed all the time. Who weighed less.

I’m trying to let go of some of that comparing myself to my past self.

That self had more time on her hands, less responsibility, less friends.

I’m in a phase where I’m trying really hard to listen to my body for aches and pains going into marathon training, but where I also want to work out HARD. Basically I’m just being really cautious.

Because all I really want is a one-way ticket to PR City. I probably won’t PR multiple distances this year the way I used to, but …I’d like to try.

And the important race is 11/12 — the Richmond Marathon. I really want to shave off at least 6 minutes from my PR, but I know I was in better shape three years ago.

Basically, I know my work is CUT OUT for me. But I’m ready.

Starting with the Mini 10K tomorrow. I’m not going to race it but I’ll run it to the damn best of my ability tomorrow.

7 comments on “Looking for a One-Way Ticket to PR City

  1. Anne

    Good luck with your upcoming race! I understand that you want to listen to aches and pains and take it easy some days, but have you thought about just fighting through it? Your body will adapt and that’s likely the only way you will get faster and more fit.

  2. Tammy

    I live in Richmond and think it’s awesome the Richmond Marathon is your important race this year! I just started training for it today!

  3. Aimee

    It is hard for me not to compare myself to past more fit versions of myself too. Good luck with the marathon training! I start training in July for a 10k/half marathon race weekend in November.

  4. katie

    I’m right there with you. I did a trail 10k this morning and thought, if I’m feeling good I’ll just do the loop twice like the half marathon is doing…..lol for days….. I am not in 10k trail shape. But it was a good wakeup that I can do 6 miles, I just can’t run all 6 these days. So I gotta keep up the work and hopefully I can have a good 10 mile run/race this fall!

  5. Gianna @ run, lift, repeat

    As someone who basically didn’t PR anything for 2 years dealing with my Crohn’s diagnosis I can tell you it takes work to get back and also patience. I remember the first race last fall where it all clicked again. It was fantastic. I learned a lot about what my body likes and how it trains best over that time – you’ll get back there!


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