Finding Balance in a Busy Lifestyle

As a single lady in NYC, I’m juggling a lot (but hi, aren’t we all?) — work, dating, running, maintaining my apartment, Junior League, saving time for friends and family. In order to get things done and stay relatively sane, I’m always seeking balance. Balance looks different day to day for me — sometimes I’m working late, but my apartment will be a mess. Sometimes my apartment is spotless, but I’m choosing to nurture myself and my mental health instead of doing something more social. Here’s a few things I do to find balance in health and life:

1. Schedule out my workouts.

I’m really lucky that I have at least 1-2 work related workouts a week, whether I’m in our show or have been invited to a press event, but I make a point every weekend at taking a look at my upcoming week and figuring out when/what workouts I’ll be doing, and trying not to do things like have two strength classes back to back.

2. Be patient with myself.

I really can’t do it all, so to get down on myself for not being able to cram 14 million things into one day is unrealistic, and to expect that I will always be all cylinders firing in every area of my life. Sometimes I’m crushing it at work but I feel like I’m being a crappy friend, and sometimes work takes a backseat to a friend or family’s crisis.

new chapter

3. Take my vitamins.

Yeah, yeah, like your mom told you. I eat fairly healthy but I’m not perfect. Plus, a busy lifestyle + workout out hard takes a lot out of you, so I supplement with multivitamins. I’ve been a fan of New Chapter for a long time, so I was happy to find their Every Woman’s One Day multi. It’s fermented with whole foods and probiotics – the result is a supplement that’s gentle enough to take at any time, even on an empty stomach. Plus, it’s easy to find IRL in stores like Whole Foods or online on Amazon. And if you’re a vegetarian…so is this!

How do you find balance?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

2 comments on “Finding Balance in a Busy Lifestyle

  1. Danielle @ Wild Coast Tales

    Scheduling everything in my Google Calendar helps me know what it is going on and realistically how much time I have for everything. But really it all comes back to sleep and eating well – especially if I’m getting enough sleep I feel much more capable of handling the craziness!

  2. Anne Træner

    Thanks for sharing. I think it is a very common issue and I felt like you had described my busy life when I read the article. Planning is the thing that makes it possible for me… And I plan a lot:-)


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