Boston Marathon Dreams, Deferred

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in here, I know. There’s a lot going on with my family, and I’ve been splitting my time between NYC and NJ these days. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.

Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is this Monday. If you follow any runners on Instagram, you already know that. 

Everyone’s checking into their hotels and heading to the expo to pick up their bibs and celebrate their hard work.

I never had a life plan, but I used to have a 5-year running plan.

I never considered myself fast, but I did improve pretty quickly and consistently as a marathoner and runner in general.

Marathon 1, Chicago Marathon, 2010: 4:59

Marathon 2, NYC Marathon, 2011: 4:19

Marathon 3, Marine Corps, 2012: 4:04

Marathon 4, NYC Marathon, 2013: 3:56, bitches!

I was 30 when I ran NYC 2013, and that time progression gave me hope that if I kept running a marathon a year, that I’d be able to keep chip, chip chipping, and I’d be able to run 3:40 or under by the time I turned 35. 

I’ve run two marathons since then, but they were after a back injury, and I was happy just to finish them.

Last year, I had sinus issues and a body that just didn’t want to cooperate with running.

I’m signed up for NYC this year, and with everything going in my life, I’m not going to pressure myself on time right now. 

Who knows, maybe I won’t chip any time off this year but miraculously run a 3:40 next year when I *am* 35. 

But I want to qualify for Boston — and I plan on running for the rest of my life, so I’m not going to give up on this goal.

And you? Do you want to/have you qualified for Boston? Or what’s your big running goal? 

10 comments on “Boston Marathon Dreams, Deferred

  1. Carrie

    I always had a dream of under 4. I’ve gotten to 4:07. I just don’t think I want to commit the time to getting there. I’m older and slower, and probably done with full marathons, but I’ve decided i just want enjoy running and let go of my (self- imposed) goals. I’m just happy to be healthy enough to run and stop looking at the clock. Praying for your family!

  2. Glen Snider

    I am similar to you in that my first 4 marathon times dropped with each race and I actually ran a BQ. However, that year I could not work the race into my schedule. “Next time…” I told myself.

    Of course there has not been a next time and then they tightened up the qualifications.

    So, unless I remain a “decent” runner into my golden years when the qualifying time go up or I run for a charity, I doubt I’ll ever get in. Even if I do run a BQ again, the way the system works now, no guarantee I’d get in.

  3. Katie

    I’m signed up for a half in June but anytime I attempt 4 miles my body rebels. Right now my foot hurts like a beast and I’m not sure why. Maybe the low wedges I wore instead of my typical booties? So in 2 weeks I have a 10K and I have no idea if I will finish. I hate the small of chlorine. But may have to get more intentional about forcing myself into a pool. Also, let us know if there is any way to support you during this time. Love to you and your family.

  4. Jillian

    Thinking of your family!

    I never dreamt of qualifying, especially after being stuck between 4:00 and 4:07 for years, but I busted out a 3:49 in the fall and it definitely got my wheels turning after watching Boston on Monday…


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