Friday Coffee Date

Hi friends! Long time no chat. 

My mom has been really sick, and so I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family or, quite frankly, being really sad.

But today, I’m out on Long Island with my coworker Mallory because we’re doing a triathlon tomorrow. She’s turning 30 and wanted to do a tri for her birthday, because, these are my coworkers and who was I to say no to her on her birthday?!

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So, out on the LIRR we went, bikes in tow. 

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We’re working remotely today instead of taking the day off, so we’re sitting outside working in the sun. Things could be worse.

I haven’t done a tri in two years so I’m a little nervous, mostly about the swim (the water is NOT warm yet, friends!!!), but I’m just going to have fun with it and use it as the distraction that it is.

Pig Beach

In other distractions, I went to a friend’s going away party last weekend that ended up being an epic all day long party, and it was the most fun I’d had in a while. We started at Lavender Lake in Gowanus and then went to Pig Beach (where I ran into this lovely former coworker above) and then to Montero’s in BK Heights for a little karaoke action.

Lyons Den

I have a LOT more to say about this topic, but I went to an event on Monday and another on Tuesday about yoga/meditation, and good god do I need more of it in my life. I went to Lyons Den on Tuesday after listening to its founder, Bethany Lyons on Ali’s podcast. (<— Are you listening yet? I’m obsessed.)

That’s about all. Just trying to look some some beauty in the breakdown.

11 comments on “Friday Coffee Date

  1. Kelsie

    Sorry to hear your mom is sick again. I know how hard it is. Don’t think I’ve ever commented but I’m a long time reader. Nothing makes this any easier. Hugs.


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