Let’s Play Running

I may never podium at a race.

I may never break some of the PRs I set several years ago when time was more ample and life was easier.

And that’s OK. For now, maybe forever. 

Life is serious. Running doesn’t have to be. (It’s totally fine/cool if it is — if that also gives you some level of enjoyment, sense of accomplishment or pride.)


There’s only one thing to do when running in 91 percent humidity. 🎥 @camillepal

A post shared by Pirate of Gowanus (@theodorable) onJun 17, 2017 at 6:45am PDT

So for six miles yesterday morning, with one of my best friends, Camille, by my side, we laughed, we talked about the tough stuff, the fun stuff, the running-is-both-awesome-and-terrible stuff, and the OMG it’s 91% humidity.

We stopped to walk when we needed to…and when a fountain presented itself in East River Park, I ran through it, joyful like a child, and obviously made her record it so, yeah, I could share it, but also for me to look back on during harder days and remember that moment of joy in the midst of the chaos and the pain. Her coach calls it “let’s play running,” and for a little while yesterday morning, I truly felt like a child at play.

I’ve always been a terrible napper (thank you #anxiety), but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that after this run, I managed to fall asleep on the train out to NJ, content and at peace that I’d done something for myself. 

How do you find the JOY in running/working out? 

3 comments on “Let’s Play Running

  1. Annie

    I’m with you, girl! I decided to see how I do without so much counting in my life…calories, miles, minutes on the bike…whatever! Sometimes it’s great to just relax about ONE thing in your life and enjoy it. Sending joy your way!

    Also, yes…this humidity is killer!

  2. Ash Diamond

    I love this so much and have a feeling that in a few months, I too will need to embrace the lets play and enjoy running as I have no doubt coming back will be tough. Hugs!


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