4 Hurt-So-Good Running Recovery Methods ( + Giveaway!)

Still, every single time I run a marathon, I can’t believe that I actually did it. 

HOW did I cross the finish line of my seventh last weekend?

The older I’ve gotten, the more value I’ve put on recovery — because I love running and the joy it’s added to my life, so I want to be able to do it as long as possible.

Over the past few years after doing things like relaysrunning festivals and two marathons in one month…I’ve needed to learn how to recover for real.

4 Running Recovery Methods That Really Work

Marathon Celebration

1. Celebrate.

Duh. Even/especially the pros do it.

2. Epsom Salt Bath.

 When I was younger, I used to be more hardcore and take ice baths…but I just can’t hang like that any more and prefer the coziness of a warm/hot bath. (Apparently I’m right on trend; a recent study found that heat is more helpful than ice on muscles. SWEET.)

The Stick Recovery


I know, this thing looks like a torture device…and it sort of is. But man, does it help get into muscles to relieve restricted blood flow so that your muscles can grow and repair. And it feels a little easier to roll this over my muscles rather than putting all of my weight on top of a foam roller. It’s also awesome for traveling.

AND! You can win one by commenting below with your favorite recovery techniques.

4. Compression Boots

I meannnnn, Ryan Hall did it, and he has the fastest U.S. half marathon record, so…

But I first tried these babies after Chicago a few years ago, and I really think they’re why I was able to go on and do a long run that weekend and then run NYCM two weeks after that.

Compression Sleeves Custom PT NYC

My friends at Custom PT are offering a Fresh Legs special from now until December 31 — buy one, get one 50% off. Their Fresh Legs includes 15 minutes in these babies and 30 minutes of hell soft tissue work. 

IMG 6379


But…10/10, would Fresh Leg again. (Though, full disclosure, I got a free service to tell you about it, but I probably would have done it anyway.)

Tell me for a chance to win a Stick — what’s your fave running recovery method? [This will stay open until 9PM EST on 11/15)

32 comments on “4 Hurt-So-Good Running Recovery Methods ( + Giveaway!)

  1. Elizabeth F

    A friend recently suggested a short yoga video to do post-run, which I’m loving! I also love/hate foam rolling as recovery.

  2. Laura

    Compression calf sleeves. I feel like everyone has these, but I finally bought a pair after a half marathon last year and holy moly what a difference! I now wear them after every long distance race.

  3. Liz

    Roll out on a foam roller! I’d love to try the compression boots someday and I used to have the stick but someone “borrowed” it and never gave it back so it’d be awesome to win this one haha!

  4. Brittany

    If I’m still training, a hot bath, epsom salts and bubbles (both the bath kind and the wine kind!)… after race a race it’s more so a good nap, watching movies on the couch and something delicious to eat!

  5. Carolyn M

    I’m the WORST at recovery. I usually run with colleagues during the workday. After I run, I shower, get changed and then it’s right back to work. I don’t focus on recovery like I should and my legs are so tight as a result. Keeping the stick in my office would be awesome and I would totally use it.

  6. kelly

    I just ran my ninth marathon last weekend! Celebrations after of course, but I feel, for me, the key is to move a little bit the next day, so I swam some laps and did a one-mile jog.

  7. Wendy Sue

    I treat myself to a massage post race. I’ll wait in line usually for the freebie, but always find a local spa to go to in the evening. It makes a huge difference!


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