Today is An Excellent Day

I have posted so much in the past few months? years? honestly and vulnerably about my struggles…

but I finally have some great stuff to share!

Doe Bay

Write Doe Bay was everything I could have hoped it would be, and then so, so much more. It made me a better writer, and a better person. It helped me shift my own personal narrative and gave me so much more hope than I could have imagined. Hope I desperately needed. I will absolutely be sharing more on this after I’ve had more time to reflect on it.

And then THIS finally happened! I got my NASM personal training certification!

This is something that I have been talking about for years, but honestly, I was so afraid of failing that I kept not studying and pushing the exam off…and finally signed up for it this fall so I could stop talking about it and just do the damn thing. I’ll do another post on my crazy, cobbled together study plan/what you really need to know. My best friend is a physical therapy professor and tutored me, and her help made a huge difference and lit the fire under my ass I needed. I’ll be putting together some online programs (like my run coaching), so let me know if you’re interested!

That’s all for now! Just had to share being so excited since it’s been a while.

What are you excited about lately?

6 comments on “Today is An Excellent Day

  1. Fiona @ Get Fit Fiona

    Congrats on passing your certification! That’s definitely something worth getting excited about. When I passed my CSEP certification I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders – that all that hard work and studying had finally paid off.

  2. Abby Weiss

    Go You!! Such great news! I’m the strange woman who talked to you in the Brooklyn supermarket. I’m also a PT and I remember how great passing the exam felt. You’ll be a great PT and I’m looking forward to following this next chapter. Congrats!

    1. Theodora Blanchfield Post author

      Sorry, by “strange woman,” you mean amazing woman? <3 It's so good to know that my work is resonating with actual humans. And I'm so glad you came up to me! That hug was exactly what I need then, I was having a tough day and you totally made my night!

  3. Anne

    As always, a late comment – but I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to read this. Just know that people you don’t know are out here rooting for you – hard.


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