Introducing This May Be Oversharing Podcast!

Hello and happy Wednesday!

this may be oversharing podcast

I have some exciting news! My podcast—This May Be Oversharing podcast—is live! (OK, I think I’ve already met my exclamation point allowance.)

I have to give so much credit to my friend Jocelyn, who’s been telling me for years I need to start one. I’m a storyteller by nature and by profession, and spoken is just the most natural extension of that these days. Plus, it gives me the ability to go into depth that I can’t always do in writing or on Instagram stories. For the years that Jocelyn’s been telling me this, I have been TERRIFIED. But earlier this year, I did several podcast interviews and realized two things: I can do this, and I want to do this. I don’t just want to be interviewed, I want to hear others’ stories and what they have to learn. I want to share what I’ve learned in a tough few years, in hopes I can use my experiences to spare even one person some of the pain I’ve felt. Also, to be honest, it’s a media format that isn’t going anywhere, and I want to get these skills under my belt.

Also: why the fuck not? (Maybe my 2018 motto.) One of my favorite podcasts is Jen Gotch is OK…Sometimes.  Jen deals with depression and bipolar and is incredibly honest about her journey with both and what she does to feel better, and it’s been wildly inspiring to me. If this woman who so deeply struggles with her own mental health can successfully run her own business, then I can achieve what I want to, too, despite what my brain tells me.

My plan is to release a new episode every other week, and alternate between just me (sorry/you’re welcome) and interview shows. I plan on interviewing from small business owners, writers, regular people who work full-time with awesome side hustles (whether those are creative ventures or athletics!) I also plan on interviewing…my best friend! She has a great career pivot story, and we’re going to talk about how to help a friend in need, while also taking care of yourself.

Without further adieu… you can listen below, on Apple Podcasts, Messy (where it’s hosted) and Stitcher. I’m working on getting it listed on Spotify and other podcast directories, but let me know if there’s somewhere specific you’d like to see it.

(note: I know the music in the beginning is a little weird. Something I’m working on for next time.)

Things Mentioned in This Episode

I would LOVE to hear what you’d like me to cover as I work on my schedule for upcoming topics and guests.

9 comments on “Introducing This May Be Oversharing Podcast!

  1. Emily

    This was a great first episode! I already knew a lot of what was talked about from having read your blog, but it all felt new hearing it spoken in your voice. I’d love to hear more about tools for coping with bouts of anxiety, getting back into fitness when you’ve fallen off course, preparing for yoga teacher training (and learning sequencing and stuff like that), and setting up a successful freelance business. Congratulations on starting this podcast journey!

  2. Lauren

    I love it!! And you’re right, we are all in this together. I think you’re incredibly brave for sharing everything that you have—thank you! Can’t wait to listen to keep episodes 🙂

  3. Melissa

    I’ve read your blog for years and now I’ll be a regular listener to your podcast! Great first episode! I would love to hear more about how you have dealt with being in a field where layoffs are common and if your anxiety is worse freelancing vs regular paycheck. Can’t wait for episode 2!

    1. Theodora Blanchfield Post author

      You’re not the first person to ask if anxiety is worse for me freelancing vs regular paycheck! (The short answer is it’s different, but I’ll def address this!) And excellent question re:layoffs in a field where they’re common.

  4. Sarah

    I loved it!! I need to know more about the medium experiences you’ve had 🙂

    Also, as someone who deals with grief/depression/anxiety, it would be interesting to hear your coping mechanisms and tools to help you deal with every day life.

    This is so exciting- cant wait to hear what is in store for you!


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