I usually manage to have some modicum of control on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but this year I went a little crazy. Here’s some of the things I have my eye on and just some great deals.
Amazon: Really, this could just be a post on best Amazon deals, but I’ll just highlight a few. Janae posted about these amazing joggers the other day, and they already came and I’m wearing them right now. $22? Oh hell yes.
Also, crazily at Amazon, Macbook Airs are $699 instead of their regular $999. If you’ve been thinking of a new Macbook, GET ON THIS.
And…one of my favorite (and most ridiculous) recent purchases, the Furbo is half off. It’s a camera to watch your dog when you’re not home AND throw treats at them. Am I slightly obsessed with Lucy? Yes, and yes.
Bare Necessities: My favorite bra, the Natori Feathers is 30 percent off. Still not cheap, but one of the best bras I’ve found for bigger chests. (They run a little small so size up. I’m usually a D and go up to DD in these.)
Gray Malin: I’ve had my eye on his photography for a while, and they’re doing an amazing 30 percent off today, so I went for it. I bought the Manhattan Beach one because it holds a lot of meaning to me in healing—I did my ketamine treatment there, and my therapist and I meet there when she’s in town.
Lilly Pulitzer: They’re currently doing $20 off every $100 spent (which is pretty easy to do there). But what I’m really here to talk about is the dog pajama shirt. I definitely didn’t get the matching human jammies…
Lorna Jane: If you’re anything like me, you probably have more black leggings than you know what to do with, but the Lorna Jane Core Ankle Biter Tights are incredibly flattering and 30 percent off.
Lovesac: This is a weird one, but I’m looking at this Pillowsac—basically an adult sized massive beanbag?? It looks like the equivalent of a weighted blanket to lay on. Someone convince me either way. But it’s 30 percent off?!
Target: Up to 50 percent off, including $50 off my beloved Nespresso Essenza (it’s the smallest one they make, I think).
What (if anything) did you buy?
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