Category Archives: Food

A Random Day in Food

When I started this blog nearly four years ago, I blogged 99% of my meals. With crappy iPhone photos.

I don’t know why anyone read that.

(You know, compared to the literary genius this blog now is.)

I also used to eat the same things all the time: spinach feta wraps from Starbucks and rice bowls from Pump (now Dig Inn and not nearly as great.)

This blog turned into more of a fitness/Random Thoughts by Theodora blog when I got laid off. I didn’t want to write about food in the least and my stomach was a mess from stress and I ate weird stuff.

I digress?

Every once in a while, I get comments/emails asking what I eat now that I’m maintaining my weight, so in the spirit of that, and because I have sweet potato rolls to review for you, let’s look at a random day of eats. Note: I just decided to write about this tonight so I didn’t eat any different than I ordinarily would have.



Um, yeah. Spinach feta wrap. Old habits die hard. I definitely eat a lot less of these than I used to because I’m older and mildly more financially responsible, but I was getting sick of the egg-on-whole-wheat-English-muffin I’ve been eating lately.

Morning snack: cherry pie Larabar


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Brown rice, broccoli and salsa crockpot chicken.

This is the easiest thing to make ever: Throw a bunch of chicken breasts in your crockpot, pour a jar of salsa over them, add taco seasoning (optional) and cook for 7-8 hours. THAT’S IT.

Afternoon snack: apple + Trader Joes packet of almonds






Chicken patty on an Alexia sweet potato roll with vegetables. The patty and veggies are from the greatest supermarket in the world near my parents. The patties are great, but the veggies were apparently stir-fry and were in a disgusting amount of vegetable oil.

The sweet potato roll, however, was awesome. It had the texture of a dinner roll, but had mild sweet potato flavoring. The rolls come frozen, but you warm them up in the oven for 12 minutes and they smell lovely. In truth, they’re a bit small for a normal-sized burger, but would be good for a large slider.

What was the best thing you ate today? Are you a creature of habit with your food?

Diet-to-Go Meal Delivery Review

Standard Theodora disclosure: paid review to follow.

I work long hours, volunteer a lot, train for races and take care of my little dog. And try to have a life?

I enjoy cooking, but it usually gets shoved to the bottom of my priorities list in favor of takeout or easy-to-assemble meals.


Enter: Diet To Go. I got the opportunity to review this diet delivery service through FitFluential, and I jumped right on it. When I used to live on Wall Street, I occasionally saw diet-delivery boxes outside my neighbors’ doors, and you read about the fancy services the stars use.

I figured you had to have many leatherbound books and mahogany furniture to use a service like this, but I was wrong.

The meals showed up in this styrofoam box packed with dry ice.

Your options include: traditional meals, vegetarian meals or low-carb meals. I told them I was allergic to peanuts, and went with traditional meals.

I got several days of breakfasts, lunches and dinners.


My favorite meal was a whole wheat Monte Cristo, which was one of the breakfasts. Like most of the meals, it was really tasty. They were recently rated the #1 diet delivery company by Epicurious.

I wish there had also been a dairy-free version of the diet. I can’t handle much dairy, unfortunately. This cheesy sandwich was fine, but I knew the yogurt would be too much for me, so I had a banana instead. There was also a pretzel + broccoli cheddar soup that I had to skip because I knew the cheddar soup wouldn’t work for me.

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They also have a tool to tell you how many calories you should be going for, including whether you’re exercising or not. (These are based on my own stats, so please find what works for you, etc.) Since I do exercise, I need more calories. (Exercising FTW.)

Their site allows you to make tons of substitutions and customizations to fit your needs, although they currently don’t do vegan, kosher or gluten-free. The meal plan includes three meals per day. They don’t include snacks, but for the regular low-fat plan (which is what I did), they recommend fruits and veggies as snacks; for the low-carb plan, they recommend eggs or cheeses. Since I’m not currently trying to lose weight, I had almonds and fruits for my snacks.

The meals have a 5-6 day shelf life (although I managed to squeeze a day or two more out of a few of them?) and can be frozen, too.


I really enjoyed the meatloaf dinner, too. It was served with sweet potatoes and green beans and a whole grain roll. It was filling enough that I didn’t even need to eat the roll. (Or I was sick. Whatever.)


I’m usually more of a big lunch/smaller dinner girl since I get home late, so I had this stir-fry dinner for lunch like a rebel. It was tasty–but its sodium content was 50%+, and I felt bloated and thirsty for the rest of the afternoon.

For real, not-frozen food, the pricing is relatively reasonable (as in, for what it is: it’s still a lot of money): $95.99 for 5 lunches and 5 dinners, or a little less than $10/meal. Definitely less than eating NYC takeout for every meal. They’re also offering 20% off through 1/31 and giving away 1,000 meals on Facebook.

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this campaign. All opinions are my own.

Have you/would you ever do a meal delivery service? What would be your dream meals in your magic meal delivery box? My magic meal delivery box would definitely include some lobster.

Diet-to-Go Rating: 4

Reviewed By:Theodora Blanchfield