When I started this blog nearly four years ago, I blogged 99% of my meals. With crappy iPhone photos.
I don’t know why anyone read that.
(You know, compared to the literary genius this blog now is.)
I also used to eat the same things all the time: spinach feta wraps from Starbucks and rice bowls from Pump (now Dig Inn and not nearly as great.)
This blog turned into more of a fitness/Random Thoughts by Theodora blog when I got laid off. I didn’t want to write about food in the least and my stomach was a mess from stress and I ate weird stuff.
I digress?
Every once in a while, I get comments/emails asking what I eat now that I’m maintaining my weight, so in the spirit of that, and because I have sweet potato rolls to review for you, let’s look at a random day of eats. Note: I just decided to write about this tonight so I didn’t eat any different than I ordinarily would have.
Um, yeah. Spinach feta wrap. Old habits die hard. I definitely eat a lot less of these than I used to because I’m older and mildly more financially responsible, but I was getting sick of the egg-on-whole-wheat-English-muffin I’ve been eating lately.
Morning snack: cherry pie Larabar
Brown rice, broccoli and salsa crockpot chicken.
This is the easiest thing to make ever: Throw a bunch of chicken breasts in your crockpot, pour a jar of salsa over them, add taco seasoning (optional) and cook for 7-8 hours. THAT’S IT.
Afternoon snack: apple + Trader Joes packet of almonds
Chicken patty on an Alexia sweet potato roll with vegetables. The patty and veggies are from the greatest supermarket in the world near my parents. The patties are great, but the veggies were apparently stir-fry and were in a disgusting amount of vegetable oil.
The sweet potato roll, however, was awesome. It had the texture of a dinner roll, but had mild sweet potato flavoring. The rolls come frozen, but you warm them up in the oven for 12 minutes and they smell lovely. In truth, they’re a bit small for a normal-sized burger, but would be good for a large slider.
What was the best thing you ate today? Are you a creature of habit with your food?