Category Archives: Food

It’s All About Your Attitude

I just got home after another long day at work, and I feel…relaxed?

Work has not gotten less stressful, but I’m trying to take a healthier approach to dealing with stress.

I credit:


This is actually one of my client’s favorite sayings. She has it taped to her monitor, and it’s so so true. You will find a way for what’s important to you. I worked so much in the month of September but marathon training was a near-equal priority, so I found a way.

Call me vain, but not being unhappy with how I look in a bathing suit on a trip I’m spending my hard-earned money and vacation days on is also a fairly high priority right now. I’m finding a way to fit fitness into days that involve 11+ hour work days.


I may not spend much time in my apartment this month, but the time I spent decorating this tree is 1000% worth the happiness it gives me every time I walk in the door. Priority.

I also credit Jess. Working with her has provided me accountability for my workouts and cleaning up my eating some. Last year I did Eat In (More) Month after basically not touching my kitchen for the month of December. This year, I’m trying to get ahead of that eight-ball and eat in more in December. I’ll do a post soon about some of the easy meals Jess has been helping me come up with, but even just prioritizing this has helped me make some healthier choices and put together easy meals on my own.


Valerie says this lunch is ugly, and maybe it is, but it was tasty and one of my suggestions from Jess. (Here’s some similar beef stir-fry recipes from Eating Well.)


I threw some Brussels sprouts in the oven the other night to roast, and ate them with some rotisserie chicken tonight. Yeah, I love the light for food photography at 9:30 at night.


Finally, in one of my emails from Jess the other night, she said “Only say nice things to yourself!”

I’m tryin’, Jess! I’m usually pretty hard on myself, and when the going gets tough, I tell myself to STFU and stop making excuses, but the going’s kind of tough right now with lots of stress, so I need to be nice to myself. Just taking little ways to be nice to myself in the past few days has already helped. I slowly feel some of my anxiety dissolving.

Also, if you’re doubting yourself at all right now, read this post.

How are you nice to yourself when you’re stressed?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving?


I am most thankful for going nowhere near a mall today.



After yesterday’s turkey trot (that post is updated with official + Garmin results, FYI), I came home and got to work on making my contribution for yesterday: maple-glazed Brussels sprouts with bacon.


I feel like they taste like one put more work into them than one actually did. Which is what I always go for when cooking.


The bird with the bird. Long story behind it, but one of my mom’s nicknames is Bird. (So there was some cannibalism yesterday?)


Antipasto. (My dad made his yearly “I’m pro-pasta” joke.)

so much yum.jpg.jpg

…And everything else.


Including this little snuglebunny, Lexi, my cousin’s daughter. I can’t believe it was just a year and a half ago I headed up to Rhode Island with my family to pick her up. She’s now walking and talking. Guaranteed giggles for hours? (From me and her.) Ask her if she’s a good girl. Every single time she says “Bad girl!” and giggles with glee.

How was your Thanksgiving? What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Mine are stuffing and (not pictured but still there) spaghetti and meatballs.